Sick and Alone

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Requested by purplespark1e .
"We'll be back in a couple of days." Dean said, glaring at his dad for making him leave 15 year old Sam alone, so they could go on a hunt.

"It'll be fine, Dean. I'll go to school and stay home otherwise. I also have Bobby and Pastor Jim's numbers, in the event of an emergency." Sam mumbled, rolling his eyes at his big brother's concern.

"Come on, Dean, we need to stop that poltergeist before it kills anyone else." John snapped, getting annoyed with his eldest's persistent worrying about Sam. "Sam will be fine." he added.

"What if something happens to Sam?" Dean objected, about to stay home to protect Sam.

"I proofed the motel myself." John growled in exasperation. "The ENTIRE motel, not just this room." he added, giving Dean a look of Move your butt, or you're busted.

Sam's eyes widened in surprise, not realizing his dad had gone that overboard to protect him. Not that he wasn't grateful, just surprised. He smiled at Dean, looking forward to the time alone, without having to plan and obsess over the next few hunts.

He sneezed suddenly, sending a spark of pain through his skull.The only time that happened, was right before he got super sick. No way he was getting sick, especially on his first days of freedom in like ever.

"Bless you," John said, gathering up his bags for the hunt.

"Did you sneeze?!" Dean asked incredulously, knowing that sneezing was just the start.

"Yes, but I'm fine. No headache." Sam said quickly, knowing Dean would tan his hide when he found out that the kid had lied to him.

"Are you sure? Last time you got sick, we all ended up in the ER," Dean persisted.

"Dean, he is fine. Let's go!" John ordered firmly, knowing Dean couldn't disobey a direct order.

"Yes sir." Dean said, hefting his bag over his shoulder. He looked at Sam one last time, before walking out the door.

"Be careful, kid." John said, as he followed Dean outside.

Sam waited until he heard the impala and truck leave to lock the front door. Normally he'd take advantage of the quiet and get ahead on his homework, but the minor pain from sneezing was already turning into a full-blown, pounding headache.

He walked over to the little kitchen nook, snagged some tylenol from from the first aid kit, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, and stopped short when he saw a full bottle of bourbon. He could always drink away his headache and sickness.

He knew Dean would kick his butt for even considering drinking, much less when no one was around. However, he had seen his dad drink away pain, illness, and any other problems, and wake up fine the next day.

He bit his bottom lip, debating so hard his head felt like it might explode.

"Screw it." he mumbled, grabbing the bourbon bottle, popped the seal, and downed the tylenol with a big gulp. He gasped loudly, coughing on the bitter burn of the drink.

His eyes watered from the intensity, as he took another big gulp. He choked on the burning liquid, coughing and gagging, causing his head to pound so hard he almost blacked out from the pain.

His knees buckled, causing him to collapse into a heap on the floor, retching painfully. He clutched at the sides of his head, whimpering as each retch sent a dagger like pain through his skull.

When the retching finally stopped, he lost consciousness, blissfully accepting the painless darkness. Hours later, he came to on the kitchen floor, shivering uncontrollably as he realized he had a ridiculously high fever, along with an excruciating headache.

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