Chapter Twenty Eight : A Northern News

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"Hayate!" Rickon exclaimed, having ran from Robb's solar and tailed by Maestrr Luwin and Catelyn

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"Hayate!" Rickon exclaimed, having ran from Robb's solar and tailed by Maestrr Luwin and Catelyn. The three were heading to the Godswood, the littlest wolf being the fastest runner of them all.

"Rickon, give me back that letter!" Catelyn exclaimed, trying to reach for the scroll that her youngest son was clutching. A gentle breeze blew the paper away from the boy 's hands. Robb, who had ran out of the room to retrieve his letter huffed in frustration; his brother did it again.

Hayate read caught the paper, reading the message without opening the scroll.

"Lyarra would be ecstatic." he uttered.

"You should get' Tsuki to give it to her." suggested the pup.

Hayate thought it over. The capital was, and had always been a pot for trouble.

The mage landed on a branch of Winterfell'a heart tree, watching Robb pray to his gods. He couid relate to him; his family home had one such tree though it was actually a cherry tree instead of weirwood.  The eldest Stark son looked up, recognising him instantly.


The crow-mage shapeshifted back to his original form mid-flight, landing feet first on the ground.

"What is it?"

"Robb  wrote this letter. Bran is awake, and hand it to Lyarra directly."

The wizard nodded his head, not caring to ask who "Alaric" was.

He knew.

His ancestor has been away from the cherry tree for some time, and he knew that it was him who gave Samara the golden evidence

He had no time to waste; the sooner he gave the letter two Lyarra, the safer everyone would be.

           Meanwhile  In King's Landing 

Explosions and water bullets rained down on a clearing in the Kingswood as Samara, Lyarra and Fuyutsuki immersed themselves in a three-way duel. It had been so long since the newlywed Lannister was able to use her magic. This has been going on since the trip. Fuyutsuki has adjusted his schedule, training two in magic and one in sword fighting. He admitted that his three protégés had gotten better, but he had to dodge an incoming throwing knife as it darted across the sky.


He suddenly stopped. Something was not right here; Arya was a quiet walker, but he and his companions heard horse hooves travelling on wet soil. He cast an illusion charm, hoping to fool the passing hunters.  The trio paled when they spotted Tywin Lannister emerge from the shadows in all his glory.

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