Chapter Three : Ladies Duties

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Winterfell 294 AD ( this chapter was written with the help of ProtonCoccus

Winterfell 294 AD ( this chapter was written with the help of ProtonCoccus

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As Lyarra was sitting next to Sansa and Arya along with Jeyne Poole along with other ladies sewing.

Her mother had always told her that it was important to learn to sew for one day she would have to mend her husband's clothes like that would happen " Lyarra scoffed at the idea of her being married.

Her father was clear on the matter that she would never marry and he was okay with that for anyone who could ever want to marry a highborn lady with freakish ice powers.

Her mother had said that it was just a little step back and not to let it interfere in her life but it did in so many ways.

"Why can't she just run with the wolves then?" grumbled Lyarra, after a whole day of watching poor Arya getting humiliated by the Septa.

She may be slightly better at sewing than her 'sister', but Sansa was practically the Maiden personified.

Despite her Tully looks, some of the smallfolk  compared her favorably to the deceased Ashara Dayne.

As if they knew about the Dornish beauty. Both Lyarra and Arya would scoff at the idea;no one truly knew the Fallen Purple Star; all memories of her lost to the Summer Sea.

By far, the eldest lady 's favourite tale was that of Lyanna Stark, her aunt. She too, was a famous beauty. In fact, it was her abduction that cast the dragons from their keep and led to the early (and brutal) death of Dorne' s Sun Mamba, Elia Martell.

While Ashara Dayne was a mysterious lady, Lyanna Stark was the wild one. Fierce, willful and dead before her time.

Lyarra has snuck extra food from the kitchens that afternoon, wanting to go on an excursion with little Arya

The wild she-wolf wanted to help some farmer in finding a lost lamb; far too old to do the task himself.

The trio of nobles snuck past the castle 's western gate; Lady Catelyn Stark would  never allow Arya out of the castle. In her eyes, her wild child should be a little more like her elder sister. Jory Cassel had accompanied the ladies at the behest of Lord Stark.

As for Lyarra, the food was for the local orphanage's residents. They had fallen on hard times those past few weeks.

As they were walking through winter town, Lyarra began to look around and noticed many women, children and men looking poorly and sick.

The storm that had taken place a few days ago had taken a toll on the town, it made her heat ache at what she was witnessing.

These were her people, it was her duty to take care of them.

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