Chapter Six : A New Friend

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A new friend ( a few weeks later) this chapter was written with the help of ProtonCoccus thank you so much for your support and help on this story

             A new friend ( a few weeks later) this chapter was written with the help of ProtonCoccus thank you so much for your support and help on this story

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It was a slightly cloudy day up in the North, as most days were. It had been the warmest one so far, the past weeks having been filled with summer snows. It was in such an ocassion that Lyarra had once again snuck out of the castle, tired of her mother forcing her to be a lady.

At Winter Town, she has decided to help some maid whose had a difficult time with cattle. The sheep was due for shearing, but the poor woman had been blinded by a certain Flayed Snow.

At the outskirts of the village, a man and womsn in black, fur-trimmed robes with hints of scarlet had been watching the lady shear for hours. The female had seen this lady in a dream, but now she actually had a chance to meet her...

"Not now, Samara " spoke the male.

" But Fuyutsuki... "

" She's still at work. "

Fuyutsuki of Kamakura; a bard and water mage of three and twenty had accompanied the prodigy seer to the North. He himself had wanted to see the Ice Dragon, but he and his companion would have to wait until time allowed them to see her without prying eyes.

Later On

Dinner that night was a tense affair. Catelyn had gotten word that Lyarra was nowhere to be found during her embroidery, singing, dancing and faith lessons. She had wanted to tame her daughter, but alas Lyarra was a Northerner through and through.

"Ned, it is about time she finds a husband."

"Cat, you knoe how she feels about marriage."

"She's a lady."

"Then she's not the kind of lady you had envisioned."

That was the end of discussion. As much as she had given up hope on southern dreams for two of her daughters, she was stil hoping that they would listen to her for once.

Arya had secretly scoffed at the idea of marriage ; she wanted to travel the world, just as Lyarra wanted freedom to let her powers show. She had grown tired of her mother 's restrictive standards, and decided to venture into the courtyard hoping to find her sister.

And find her, she did.

Lyarra had left the Great Hall early, wanting to cool off from shearing sheep and getting scolded for it. Why can't her mother understand?

*I am no Southerner maiden who shrieks at the sight of dirt! We're supposed to help our people! * she remembered herself screaming once things became too much to take. She had meant to go to the Godswood, yet finding herself watched by two pairs of eyes.

"Who's there?"

No answer, save for the clattering of little shoes.

It was just Arya.

"Mother's gotten worse since the Boltons arrived. Can't she just —"

The younger Stark couldn't finish her sentence, distracted by a sudden flurry of pale pink, sweet-smelling flowers.

"Sansa would be envious at this spectacle." she remarked.

"Unfortunately, I dud not come for the Tully-looking girl. I cane for the eldest Stark."

"Who are you!?"

Fuyutsuki jumped from the castle wall, landing in front of the Wild Wolves of Winterfell. Lyarra looked confused while Arya expressed fascination.

"We haven't seen you before ; who are you?" she asked, yet she looked more interested in the long sword that was sheathed on the stranger's left waist.

"Suguwara no Fuyutsuki, of Kamakura ; a wandering bard." he introduced himself.

"Samara of Ashaii." spoke a second voice.

Even in Eassos, men had more titles than womsn.

"Come, little wolf; show me this fabled tree you Northmen worship." Fuyutsuki suggested. All he wanted was for Samara to have a private meeting with the Ice Dragon.

Grumbling and unsure, Arya followed the man's request and left the courtyard.

Lyarra stood guarded and looked at the mysterious dark haired woman in front of her, " What do you want " Lyarra questioned.

" At ease little ice dragon I'm not here to hurt you I'm here to help you if you allow me to " Sharma asked holding her hand out for the little girl to grab.

Lyarra hastily accepted her hand and from that day the two became closer friends.

Meanwhile In King's Landing

"Oh Cersei, oh Cersei. Jaime had many things to say about his other half. He admired, no loved her more than a brother should. Every night, he thought of her golden curls that swayed in the morning breeze; her green eyes tht may look gentle, but had a certain intelligence and fire to them, her flawless skin, and everything else he had touched on the many nights they spent together...

... All lost to the sounds of another man's groans when he tried to converse with his sister a few days back.

"Who is that man? How dare he touch my sister like she is some common whore — she is mine!"

The Golden Lion had no time to dwell in his thoughts, as the signal to start the match had been blown

As the golden knight entered the field on a white Marie covered in lannister colors, he made his way towards Robert and his sister among his niece and nephews he bowed before them respectfully.

He looked up and saw his sister smiling at him softly he returned it back before making his way back on to the field.

His opponent he was facing was Oberyn Martell the viper snake, he admired the man a bit but he was determined to knock the viper off his horse and win.

As the two took their stances, the blow has been signaling the two rides towards one another, Jaime immediately knocked the viper off his horse much to his surprise soon cheers began to ring out.

Jaime took off his helmet, his beautiful golden hair flying out soon Lancel his cousin walked over to him and present her with a rose flower crown indicating it was time for him to select who should be the queen of love and beauty, he accepted it and made his way towards where his sister was standing and handed to her.

She smiled and accept it with grace before sliding it on her head, she was once more chosen as the queen of love and beauty as she should be.

Jaime rode away from the stances with a smile on his face he had won once more and later on he would celebrate his victory with his loving dear sister.

Author Note

Lyarra meets Sharma who is a sorceress from Asshari she is 18 in this chapter, she will be inspired by yennifer from the witcher

This is the end of Lyarra childhood next chapter will be a time jump, Lyarra will be 15

Jaime is once more a golden fool as he's always been but will slowly begin to change, also this is a slow burn between Lyarra and Jaime

Jaime will be distinct and cold to Lyarra first but will eventually grow to have feelings for her

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