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With the collective exit of the two crews, the matter became even more heated, and netizens were as excited as a crocodile in a melon field.

[Mom, have you ever seen such a battle in your life? I’ve seen celebrities tear it up, but I haven’t seen a crew tear it up! ]

[The most exciting thing is that the real person ends up facing Gang. I can't wait to jump in front of them and cheer for them! ]

[I'm so excited. Am I witnessing history? These two crews are now completely matched up! ]

[I'm really looking forward to these two dramas now, let's see which one is better.]

[I can't wait for them to air it now! 】

After some back-and-forth attacks, the attention of these two dramas reached unprecedented heights.

Netizens watched the fun and didn't mind it, and wished the fight could be more intense.

At the same time, many netizens began to monitor the two crews and prepare to report the progress in real time.

A few days later, what all netizens did not expect was that the crew of "Qing Ling" started filming, and the crew was actually opposite the crew of "Phoenix".

This is a bit intriguing.

You must know that the shooting location has been arranged long ago. Isn't this premeditated!

It’s even more exciting!

At this time, the crew of "Phoenix" also knew the news, and everyone immediately started to curse.

"I'm just saying that Qing Ling must have invited navy soldiers a few days ago. Otherwise, how could they be right across from us? This must have been planned a long time ago!" "Isn't this provocation at the doorstep?" Everyone in the crew was very


. , and at the same time inspired greater power. Everyone is holding back their energy and must make this drama a success.

Every detail is worked hard and back and forth, no actor will complain, and they will actively ask for excellence.

The requirements for various props were more stringent, and no one found it troublesome, and everyone was even allowed to make bold comments.

The actors' looks are also more particular than before, and the stylists even read through multiple materials overnight in order to present the most perfect look.

They still don't believe it, and they can't compare to the trash crew opposite who hired a navy team.

On the other hand, the crew of "Qing Ling" was also very lively.

Director Wu Feng looked at the high popularity on the Internet and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He and Cui Sheng were classmates back then, but Cui Sheng was always more popular than him. He chased him all the way, and finally made a big splash in the past few years by filming several popular dramas.

He has been looking forward to facing Cui Sheng for many years.

When he heard that Cui Sheng had chosen an actor with no works this time, he was even more happy.

He looked at the photo of Jiang You, and it was true that he looked impeccable, but this was acting, and beauty alone was not enough. It seemed that his good classmate was also deceived by beauty.

He must suppress Cui Sheng this time, so that when everyone mentions them in the future, they will only know that Cui Sheng failed miserably when they faced him.

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