lan jingyi x reader 💙࿐

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ Fluff

▶ Female Reader


"Oh shut up!" Lan Jingyi hissed elbowing Jin Ling in the side. Jin Ling let out a pained yelp and glared back at the Lan. "Don't tell me to shut up!" The yellow grape yelled back. Lan Sizhui was behind them watching with a nervous smile. 

They were waiting for Lan Jingyi's girlfriend. They had never met and Lan Jingyi was excited for her to met them but currently him and Jin Ling were arguing... again.. 

Lan Sizhui sighed but looked over his shoulder when he saw a women approaching them hesitantly. 

She had long flowing [H/C] hair with bright, almost glowing, [E/C] eyes. Her [S/C] skin was perfect and untouched. 

If you want you may change it, it  doesn't effect the plot - this is more so to help me

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If you want you may change it, it  doesn't effect the plot - this is more so to help me

Lan Sizhui elbowed Lan Jingyi to get him to shut up. 

"What Sizhui?" He hissed, his gaze still set on the Jin. "Look." Sizhui pointed to the girl with [H/C]  hair. "Is that her?" 

Lan Jingyi looked over at where his friend was pointing and gaped like a fish out of water. His mouth moved open like he was going to say something but then it closed then opened again. 

Jin Ling snickered in the background earning himself a glare from Sizhui. "Why don't you go and talk to her first..?" Sizhui gave Jingyi a gentle nudge. He nodded numbly and walked over to her. 

When the girl saw him her face lit up as she waved to him. 

"If I was her I wouldn't be so happy to see that prick.." Jin Ling muttered. 

"A-Yi! How are you doing?" [Y/N] asked, smiling warmly to him as they hugged. "I'm good. How are you?" He asked, inhaling her sweet scent. She grabbed her hands and did a closed eye smile. "I'm doing so much better now that I have a chance to talk to you!" Lan Jingyi blushed and smiled like a little kid. 

Jin Ling faked gagged next to Lan Sizhui. They couldn't hear what they were saying but they were acting quite lovey dovey. 

"Oh hey.. I hope you don't mind.. I brought my friends. I wanted them to met you!" 

Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling watched as Lan Jingyi made some hand gestures to them. 

"What do you think they are talking about now? How many kids they are going to have?" Jin Ling joked and rolled his eyes. Sizhui chose not to comment. 

"I don't mind, A-Yi. I have been wanting to meet them ever since you mentioned them. They seem like they would be nice to hang around." Jingyi smiled brightly at that and grabbed the girls [S/C] hand and basically dragged her over to where the other two were waiting. 

"Hello!" She smiled. 

"Hello." Sizhui returned the smile while Jin Ling scowled. 

"That is Lan Sizhui, he is the most pleasant to be around," Jingyi conintued to hold the [H/C] haired girls hand and pointed to Sizhui. "then that is Jin Ling or Young Master Jin, he is a tsundere and he can be really mean and heartless." Jingyi expression became slightly sour when he turned and pointed at the man in yellow. He just rolled his eyes again. 

[Y/N] ignored the tension and smiled warmly at them. "Hello its really nice to meet you! My name is [L/N] [Y/N] and I am engaged to Lan Jingyi." 

Jingyi nodded and smiled then froze. His face slowly become red and steam started pouring out of his ears. 

"W-Wait Wh-what?! I-I Thought we a-agreed t-to not mention t-that y-yet!" He stuttered. [Y/N] just smiled innocently at him. 

Jin Ling choked on air and Sizhui's smile faltered. 

"Wha-what?!" Jin Ling shouted once he finally could speak again. 

[Y/N] nodded. "Yes, we are engaged. A while ago actually. We are waiting until-" [Y/N] stopped and laughed slightly, her hand covering her mouth. "I'm sorry I can't say any more than that." She looked over and saw that Jingyi was broken. 

"Oh dear.. How about we go and look around? I have never been here before." She smiled. "This is exciting." Though she kept her soft smile. 

"She doesn't look excited.." Jin Ling muttered. He earned a hard look from Sizhui. 

[Y/N] grabbed Jingyi's hand softly with hers. "Lets go!" She cheered. 


"Y-you..." Jingyi stuttered. They were now back in Cloud Recesses. [Y/N] was staying in Jingyi's room seeing as they were engaged. They bent a few rules. 

"I'm sorry A-Yi.." [Y/N] said as she brushed Jingyi's hair. It's what they did. Ever night they would help each other change and then they would brush each others hair. [Y/N] said that she was fine and that Jingyi didn't need to help her because he probably was really busy that day and he didn't need to do anything more but he was stubborn and insisted on it. He said that he was going to keep doing it even when he became Clan Leader. 

A/N: Quick explanation - In this Lan Xichen adopted Lan Jingyi and we are saying screw the rules for right now so it would make Lan Jingyi the next heir to the Gusu Lan Clan so he will be the future Lan Clan Leader one day and [Y/N] will be his wife and Madam Lan one day. 

"Its.. it's alright.. I could never be mad at you.." Jingyi said softly and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face in her back. [Y/N] smiled and leaned into his warmth. "Lets just go to bed.. its late now.. and you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.." Jingyi groaned slightly at the thought. "Please.. no.. don't remind me.." He muttered as he let her go and they went over to their beds. Since they weren't married yet they couldn't share a bed. They were already bending the rules with sharing the same room so they had to make an exception and have two separate beds. 

"Sure.." [Y/N] smiled sweetly. 


▶ I love this (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

▶ Yeah I know this kinda makes now sense but there have been speculations about Lan Jingyi being the next Clan Leader and that he may actually be related to someone from the man house so it could happen- 

Completed : 7/15/2021

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