child!lan wangji x child!reader ❄️࿐

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▶ Requested by no one

▶ Fluff 🤧💖

▶ Female reader (Also your gonna be apart of the Lan Clan because of plot-)


Lan Zhan was just peacefully sitting under a tree when a girl fell on the ground in front of him. He stared at her a little shocked. She quickly got up, dusted off her white Lan robes and fixed her headband, before bowing to him. "I-I'm sorry Second Young M-Master Lan.." She mutter. Her face and hands were scratched because of her nasty fall. 

Lan Zhan didn't say anything. Instead he took her arm and dragged her to the medical wing. A healer looked up when he felt a tug on his sleeve. He looked down to see Lan Zhan. He bowed. "What does Second Young Master Lan need from me?" Lan Zhan pointed to the injured girl who was confused on what was happening. All she did was fall. She had always been clumsy. Why is someone caring now? 

"She fell and is hurt.. Can you help her.." The healer wanted to scream at how cute this was. "Sure." He said instead and lead the girl away to patch her up. He was actually surprised at Lan Zhan's kindness. 

"There you go. All better." He smiled gently at the female and lead her back to where Lan Zhan was waiting. "Second Young Master Lan, she's all better now." He smiled and waved the top goodbye. 

"Y-You didn't have to do that you know.. I have always been clumsy.." The [H/C] haired girl muttered softly. "Oh! Would you like to play with me? I have no friends but its okay if you say no..!" She pulled her hand away from Lan Zhan's grip and brought out a rattle drum. "This one is my favorite because my mother gave it to me!" She rattled it a little and smiled brightly. 

Lan Zhan smiled a little too. "We can play..." She smiled brightly. "I'm Lan [Y/N]! Whats your name? I know that it isn't Second Young Master Lan." She, Lan [Y/N], giggled a little. "I'm Lan Zhan.." 

"Ooo That suits you very well." She grabbed his hand. "Come on! Lets go and see the bunnies now!" She lead him to the back hills until they stopped. [Y/N] pulled out a carrot and sat down then gestured for Lan Zhan to do the same. 

Soon enough pure white bunnies slowly started to hop out from the shadows. They started to drown the two kids. [Y/N] giggled and soon that turned into laughter. "Here! Here! You can all have a carrot!" She laughed, her smile could if it wanted to take the suns job. Lan Zhan blushed a little. 

[Y/N] looked over at him. "Here!" She handed him a carrot. He looked at it. "Don't just stare at it! Put your hand out and hold it until a bunny comes up and sniffs it. When that happens just keep your hand still until the bunny starts to eat it. Then slowly reach out your other hand to pet it." She explained. Lan Zhan nodded and did exactly what she told him to do. He found himself smiling as well as he put the tiny white fluff ball. 

[Y/N] smiled at this. 

She had made a new friend. 


▶ Is this hella short? Yes it is. Why? The reason is because I ran out of ideas for this and it was already so cute so I just left it on this 

Completed : 7/4/2021

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