Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    "It seems more fun than expected." Ji Wanwan reapplied the medicine pack to relieve the fatigue and pain in the eyes.

    This game was quite beyond her expectation. She hadn't had much contact with the game before, and her understanding of the game was still limited to fighting monsters and upgrading.

    The upgrade of the game "Xing Tian" is certainly the mainstream, but there are also a large number of scenery parties, appearance parties, and plot parties... The game is very open, and each different choice will lead to different results. All kinds of adventures, everyone can find their own positioning and fun in this game.

    It's not that Ji Wanwan doesn't like games, it's just that she thinks that most of the game modes on the market are relatively fixed, even if some games have some options, they basically don't deviate from the general framework, so when she plays games, she always feels like a Passive selection like string puppets, so difficult to bring into the game.     When she was studying, she secretly imagined that one day a company would launch a holographic game, and she would definitely kill the world in the game. Unfortunately, she later realized that with the current technology, this was destined to be just a dream.     After realizing the reality, Ji Wanwan became even less interested in the game.     She didn't expect that playing the game this time would surprise her. Although "Xing Tian" is not a holographic game, she was shocked by the game's plot, character setting and openness.     She even felt that if she really had holographic technology one day, the game could be completely copied without modification.     "It's no wonder the screenwriter of "Xing Tian" has so much confidence in this game. With these devoted players alone, the ratings are not worrying." Ji Wanwan lay on the bed, recalling what she had seen in the game.     A player who carves nonsense in the sand...     the old woman who is infatuated...     the soldier who defends his family and defends the country, and sacrifices himself...     the unrestrained and unrestrained knight...     the chivalrous woman who does not let her beard...     the pharmacist who is skillful and loyal...

    All kinds of vivid characters and the vast world, although they have only been in contact with it for a while, they seem to have magical powers, and they are deeply imprinted in Ji Wanwan's heart.

    "It would be great if we could present such a wonderful world to everyone..."

    Before falling asleep, Ji Wanwan made a decision in her heart.

    Early the next morning, the screenwriter of "Xing Tian" who received the answer was naturally overjoyed, and immediately sent the script to Ji Wanwan, not at all worried that it would be leaked by Ji Wanwan who did not sign the contract.

    Unlike the good mood of the screenwriter of "Xing Tian", Ji Wanwan who went out to work early in the morning was not in a good mood.

    Although the interview part of the L's special issue has been completed, there are still pictures to be taken.

    Although the angel and devil themes on the Internet were amazing, they have all been leaked after all. Although the L family is proud, they will also consider that the customer group of the exact same photos may not buy it, so this group of photos will only select a small part of them

    . Most of the photos need to be taken separately, which is undoubtedly a big project.

    But what made Ji Wanwan feel bad was not because of the heavy workload, but because of the photographer who was in charge of shooting.

    Coincidentally, the photographer in charge of shooting this time is the first year old who had left a bad impression on Ji Wanwan before.

    Ji Wanwan wasn't surprised why he, as the person in charge of Z's family, appeared in L's house. The mere fact that he persuaded L's family to give her a special issue was enough to prove that Zhou Sui's status in L's family is definitely not low.

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