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Eyes. All kind of eyes. All looking back at him as he made his way towards the fountain. They're all speechless, and surprised.

Even Kuroo.

After the ferris wheel confession Kenma and Y/N went back to the hut. They cuddled with each other and over time of being restless through their sleep, they made love.

Y/N felt it. Literally. It felt like they were doing it for the very first time upon being with each other.

"I love you so much."

Is what he told her. Of course she answered with the same thing. Then Kenma held her close to him as close he could have, like he wanted to steal her warmth.

He eventually fell asleep with no worries.

Kenma stepped on the platform and glanced at them all. The only people missing...Bobata and his mates.

The tension? Thick.

The curiosity? Brewing.

He also wants to know what the hell Kuroo allowed to happen whilst he was gone. By the looks of things though, he's got his answer.

It's quiet. All of them are watching him, waiting for him to say something.

Then, he finally did.

"I know you've seen the news. If you haven't...ask a colleague." Kenma states. "Everything you saw, it's all true. Now...if there are any questions, as away."

Okiawa was the first to raise his hand.

"Where were you for the past couple of months?"

"Past couple?" Kenma asks.

"Yeah. I mean. You was gone this entire month, two weeks ago as well and the three months before that you were barely here, where were you?" He asks.

Kenma stared at him. "Playing video games. Helps me think." He adds.


They all know it's true. It's actually the only way he does think. Playing games.

"So you've been thinking for that long?" Hinata asks.

"Ever been on a foot chase?"

They boy got quiet. "N-no."

"I know, you like to rev." Kenma says with a smirk. Hinata avoided his gaze, turning bright red at the embarrassing point out.

"Dude, what the hell man?" Kuroo says pulling on Kenma's arm to talk.

"You've done a terrible job... unexpected out of you." Kenma responds. Kuroo let go of his hand and sighed.

"I'm sorry. I felt pressured." He explains quietly.

"I didn't call you all here to give any information. I called you all here to tell everyone to stay away from section 8 for a while. I'm fine so everyone can relax."

"That's it? Bobata and the others leave and that's all you can say? Especially after keeping at bay that Angel was the one that killed Terushima?" Daichi speaks.

Kenma frowns. He didn't know about the split in the division, nor did he know of Kuroo's actions. Kuroo exhaled heavily, looking away.


"Yeah, I actually agree. Just because she killed him doesn't mean you should take the fall for it. I-I mean yeah you-

Kenma raised his hand and it got quiet. His hazel eyes glanced at Kuroo who's attention is to the floor.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now