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•[A Simple Kiss]•

Y/N placed the car in a park. She's in Kozume's driveway, however she's not that close to his house. She's far enough to not be spotted quickly.

She took out her phone and called Kozume on the number she's seen once before her ultimate fight.

Clearing her throat she failed the number and placed it on speaker. She waited impatiently. She bit at her nails, waiting for an answer.

Then, she finally got it. Y/N got alert and fixed herself in her seat.

"Kozume." She states.


"Mhm. The one and only."

"What do you want?"

"Where are you right now?"


"Hmm, well, let us have a talk in your house. I'm already here, I'll be waiting. Don't bring your bull Chihuahua behind you either. I don't want a fourth death accident on my hands incase someone gets mad happy." She says.


"I'm giving you thirty minutes, Kozume. Time is ticking and I don't have much of it, I've got other things to do."


Y/N hung up and turned up the AC, relaxing until Kozume shows up. Y/N decided to call Suna and he answered on the third ring.


He was still sleeping.

"Morning to you to." She grins.

She heard rustling on the other side and a tired, heavy exhale come from the boy.

"You make everything smell like you. It's a peaceful smell I guess." He informs tiredly.

Y/N playfully rolled her eyes.

"Where are you anyways?" He asks.



"Going to settle business."

He grins. "Of course." Suna yawns, turning on his side as he hugged a pillow. "Do you like the gift?" The grogginess to his voice made her melt. Such a soft tone that she could listen to all morning.

Y/N glanced at the ring on her finger and she felt butterflies.


"Mhm?" He chuckled.


"Mhm." He mocks. "Sound cute when you say that."

"Oh whatever."

"Don't worry, I'll get something bigger when I get the money."

"You don't have to, the same size is nice and-

"And you deserve nice things, darling. It's only right."

"I mean I guess."

"There's no guessing about it luv."

"Ugh, enough with the names."

"Don't like 'em?"

"It's not that." She mutters, feeling flushed.

"Oh, you like 'em too much." He laughs. "Don't worry, baby girl, daddy's got this." He jokes.

"Ewwww, don't say that." Suna laughed, feeling more awake than before. However he closed his eyes, hugging the pillow closer to him. He felt at ease, calm, safe.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now