chapter 73

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"darylll" I sit on my bed with my hands in my lap watching him act a fool and I grab my phone seeing it light up with a notification from pinterest hairstyles I look smiling getting ideas for my next hairstyle he say "hand me dat fucking phone" I look up at him squinting my eye "I'll step on yo dick come correct when speaking to me now ask correctly or I will" "can I see your phone please" I nod "ofcourse baby" I hand it to him still unlocked and say "you like that color I was thinking about it for my next hair styles and stuff cause I usually just do black" .

I press play on the tv while looking thru my phone and I see them start killing zombies and daryl block a zombie off form biting a woman and I say "he's such an gentleman I want him to be real like so bad cause daryl could do anything he wants to me and I'd let him " I was playing but maybe too much bro "YO WHO THE FUCK-" he look at the tv and say "who is daryl man" I point to the tv showing daryl with the cross bow pulling it out a walker's head he lick his lips and say "oh my fault " "it's ok I see I need to tone it down" he nod mumbling "I wasn't in the right by screaming either I'm sorry ma let me give you a kiss" I nod as he stands up over me from bean bag and kiss my lips holding my face I look at him after he pull back and say "even when your jealous over fictional characters your handsome" he nod to me I hug his waist saying "wanna eat chicken tenders and curly fries wimme while we watch this together?" he nod coming out his hoodie and look at me "you look like yo name maybell bae like somebody grandma " I frown "I feel cute in this and it's so soft you just wish you had one don't be a hater all your life" he shake his head laughing wimme at him I let him go.

he come out his shirt and get on my bed getting comfortable on his back as he look at me I roll my eyes and say "the playboy in you really shows out sometimes " he smirk "I don't know what that is " I smack hitting order because he gave my phone back and I was ordering the food for us I go sit next to his head on the bed and he move it to my lap I say "papito" he look at me messing with my dress and mumble "what dat mean " I smile "if youn already know than you won't know " he nod "cute" I laugh a lil and rub his hair he turn over making his face lay directly on my thighs and he hold around my waist "that feel good bae""I know" he nod I massage down to his back being gentle with him and he stay quiet once in a while messing with the back of my dress I say "how you been since you know " "ion wanna talk about it right now ma" "it's ok we'll talk when your ready " "mhm" I watch tv going back to rubbing his head until he falls asleep and I wait for the food I guess.

The food came 15 minutes later but he can't stay and eat wimme I put all his food in one bag putting mines on the table and wake him "bubba come on get up you gotta go" "mm no" "mhm yes you can't stay that'll get me killed" he roll over with his eyes still closed and huff "I'm tired" I frown me too even though I don't say it this is actually his 2nd time getting comfortable here and having to leave but I can't help I'm not one of the girls that can have niggas over I grab his shirt and mumble "sorry" he open his eyes and look at me rubbing my face he sit up and grab his shirt sliding it back on and stand up fixing his clothes back and stuff I sit on the bed watching him check his phone and stuff.

"imma see you tomorrow igh" "k" he breathe hard checking his pockets for his keys and I follow him to the back door with his food and say "here take this sense you can't stay you still gotta eat jay" he grab it as I hold the screen door for him I kiss his cheek "see you later" he nod and walk off down to wherever he parked his car I wish he could stay but he can't and I'm not really ready to die yet.So yea.I go back to my room after locking the backdoor and spraying disinfectant spray everywhere so his smell would die he doesn't stink or anything he just has that "I know it was a boy in this damn house " smell and yea I had to get rid of it but it can stay in my room cause well I keep my window and it'll air out sooner or later but right now I want it all over me I miss his warmth and how'd he'd hold me before we fell asleep.Everytime he leaves I wanna cry cause these weeks be longgg and we only have like 2 or 3 hours for practice and even than it's not enough cause he's on the field kinda sad how he left though.Felt like he was fed up with, our relationship, little time we have together is this enough for him and me to last...

Cause it's not feeling like it I'm not saying we not gon have issues but there is certain stuff I can't give him my body was one but yall see how dat went but seriously what if I'm not enough.

 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 (𝒑𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚)Where stories live. Discover now