chapter 31

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I already told my momma I'm going out of town with the cheerleaders because of me being a coach and she believed it or whatever so I packed that night and imma pack some more when I remember in my head while at school I ride the bus because it comes by my house and I haven't been riding as lately I told Jay I'd meet him at school he said "ok" we fell asleep on facetime last night and I woke up to him it was nice him making time for me, and appreciating even though I feel like ion bring much to the table in my point of view.

But I walk into school going to homeroom and take a nap before 1st period yall know me sleeping beauty but fast forward to my favorite time of the day lunch time because I get to hold my stinky head and play with his hair it's actually really curly and soft he was a curly head before seems like but I get to lunch and sit watching courage the cowardly dog on my phone and everybody start gossiping you know when new tea hits da street and unfortunately new tea has hit the street so I sit and listen eaves dropping on every conversation I can hear and see the boys whisper and say "damn they getting action like dat" "I'm finna join just for dis " "shawty got bussed down" I look and see a sex tape in the boys locker room I'm fucking sick I keep looking to see if I see my nigga in there and I can't tell I get up leaving quietly I go to the bathroom and close the stall rubbing my face saying "fucking stupid " i breathe in and out saying "a nigga gon be a nigga " and think just not my nigga because that shit so nasty I wouldn't ever date a nigga who like sharing pussy or running trains on bitches because what the fuck.girls come in the bathroom and say "damn did yall see the dicks tho wassaname so big he can have whatever he want from me" "girl bye" "shidddd" I shake my head than put on lipgloss or whatever and leave out I unlock the door coming out and check my phone it was 3 messages from jay I roll my eyes saying "I hate niggas bro" he said ion do that type of stuff but I mean where we're you if you ain do that type of stuff bro.

I finish the school day dodging the fuck out of him I'd see coming from coming from bathroom and run the other way or see him in the hallway and hurry pass him but maybe imma have to miss practice too but I can't just ignore him when practice come I walk to coach office passing the boys locker room I roll my eyes drained a lil I go in sitting my bag down and grab the stuff I need to take attendance and stuff and walk out I hear "yo youn know how to answer my texts wassup wats going on" the halls were clear besides me and him I hold my hand up and say "I'm busy please not right now " I wasn't tryna look at him so I stay turnt and he say "bae come on quit playing I know I couldn't make it to lunch but it was worth it" "I bet " I say with a sad voice I wanted to fucking cry and scratch the fuck up outta his face he say "see look " pulling my hand I yank it back and say "ion wanna see yo fucking little sex tape " w-what bae what sex tape" "now you you lost now you in distress save it I'm good always been good" "no don't do that we talk about shit remember " "I thought we did but it's whatever I told you celibacy might not be for you" "mcht but I can wait and dats wat I'm doing I wasn't fucking nobody" "just go out to the field I'm not pressed we had a good lil 2 week run I guess" "we not broken up so ion know what you talm bout " "think that if you want to " I walk out infront of him going to the field he follow I take roll and shit from a distance because apparently these niggas thirsty he watch me the whole time .

At the end of practice I went and decided my momma can pick me up I was bout to call her when he snatched my phone while I was walking out the office "give me my phone its not even dat serious" "but it is why you tryna call yo momma when you ride wimme" "because dats my momma and ion wanna ride with a cheating ass boy" "I'm not cheating I was getting my car checked before we go outta town so you'll be ok while driving and nothing happen I'm not in dat video no where ion do that shit" I look at him and shrug "can I have my phone now" "no because come on" I shake my head we walk around the corner and he call Shawn from down the hall he come back and say "my favorite girl and da bed bug wassup" "hey sean" "nah dis ain't dat Sean was I here when dey released dat video of fucking dat girl " "mm you said you had to do sumn and sent a streak to show me and shit" he look at me and say "you ain gon believe Sean he just told you ian get to school until like 12 15 minutes past lunch time why would I lie about sumn simple" "ion know I wanna go home" "you said you was gon stay wimme tonight" "I never said that bye Sean sorry we held you back from going home" he nod "igh bro" giving jay dap I walk off to his car I didn't see him because the video was already being juggled everywhere but still the video came out today and you wasn't where I could see you so I don't know and Sean your friend friends will say anything to protect their friend so right now it's fuck Sean respectfully he come and unlock the door opening it for me and closing it he get in and drive to his somewhat I look at him and say "I'm not going in if you take me to yours I told you I wanna go home" .

 𝑰 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 (𝒑𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒛𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚)Where stories live. Discover now