Sign Sixty Six

64 2 0


" This is a direct sentence in the present time."

" This is a direct sentence in the past time."

' This is inside character's mind sentence in the present time.'

'This is inside character's mind sentence in the past time.'

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the present time.]

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the past time.]





" ... Your Grace, your transfusion is done." Ray said. who somehow strangely enough after several experiencing managing transfusion with the dragons, this whole week was the best among all. Diligently, without any necessary argument nor a harmful pheromone, the crowned prince do his part.

Even the whole servants in the Imperial Palace kind of confused and in shocked as It is never once happened in the entire history of this empire if they could be so much dramatic about it. As they are the ones who are prepared and trained for the worst for this job- for not having nothing but peace, it lead them to many questions.

Yet, something that Ray also realize that every single time the transfusion done, or- mostly everything that the prince do is done, he did it without any high and uncomfortable atmosphere that usually the tyranny crowned prince will always did before. 

It was truly just a peaceful day that's too peaceful which makes it even more strange. 

Especially, when the tyrant himself, then looking like a living corpse that looks like he has nothing to do in his life anymore.

'... and of course it is because of Ms.Irisha.' anyone in this Palace already knows as it is already becomes public secret. Just whenever something like this happened to the prince usually, and it always mostly, it have to be related to Ms.Irisha. 

Of course as the good butler he is, he already dug into the information. Which then lead him to the conclusion that, Ms.Irisha already discovered about what the prince did behind her back. 

If he was Ms.Irisha, and he then is secretly being monitored by his own lover- who will not get mad about it?

" Is it so wrong?" and once the prince asked about that to him. Kind of cute if Ray could be honest for someone like him asked someone like Ray about something like that but- Ray answered with honesty.

" Based on my humble opinion, of course it is wrong, Your Grace."

The man then sighed painfully. " It is for her safety. I did it because I don't want anything happened to her."  Looking at him, who sit down in his own office while cover his face looking so desperate and whining like teenager in his puberty- Ray confused with how he should responded. 

Because this was not something Ray could expect to see but, after spending quite a lot of time being the servant of the Imperial, he found the similarity between this new dragon and treasure couple and the other couple  of the dragon and the treasure. 

" Well of course I might feel appreciated and loved if my lover thinking about me into such level, but- do it one-sidedly and moreover secretively, it feels like she does not trust me." and in this point Ray quite wondering if he crossed the line and talked to much. But, a grown man in front of him, whose his handsome face starts to ruin due to the stress, really looked like he is desperate for the one he loved.

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now