Another Intermezzo : About Althera

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Hello, Dita here! So, these past days, I was uploading this series to other websites which of course the chapters there, are late than on Wattpad, but- I found some reader who asked me an interesting question! He is such a nice reader and I found myself having a fun time answering his question that is related to this series. Ahaha, I am really happy to have a discussion with the reader- so that's why if you have one, please do ask me! I am happy to answer it! Truly!

He actually helped me a lot in terms of how I am wrapping my writing, and his suggestion makes me think about doing a major edit on this whole story. But, I was sooooo busy these days, so I don't think I can make it in the near future. 

Yet, he asked a quite interesting question about the mana concept in this world, and I discuss it quite detail about it and it was fun! and so, I want to make you know about it as well! I was not sure to copy his comment because I still not asked for his permission, so, I try to simplify his question. 

The question is:

How does the mana is important in this society? Why does it define one person worth , while in this series you can see that, there is not much mana that is being used in the story, right? 

Here is my answer to him ahaha, I copied pasted it here. Please do enjoy it and let me know if you curious about anything!



Then, about mana as the social standard- it is actually complicated in my mind or at least in this world- but, I never put any detail on it because in this story I put different field as the background for the main character and that is not really related to magic at all. You know, 'Trading' is something that related on your social, communication and also management skill after all. But, IT IS crucial part, as in this Althera, the one that could produce mana is living creature. Which then created hierarchal professions. Again, I am not putting any detail on it, so please excuse me.

I will try to give some example for this concept by providing situation and why Mana is important matter ( Based on the stereotyped society in this story )

1. Living creature is the one who produce mana is the basic concept of this world. Yet, the implementation of mana in this world also quite differs. From different region has different implementation. I will try to explain it later.

2. Mana stone is a kind of stone that could 'stocked' up mana inside it, so it is not a resource of mana. So, why it is become a trading idea, because, many need this material. It then explain about one profession to stock up mana inside the stone and then sell it to the mass. ... and people with this profession has a high salary.

3. Everyone who born in this Althera could check their mana level in any hospital. In my mind it will be an important requirement to find a job in this world. Because, this mana is like a raw fuel which then need to be trained before you can really use it. So for example, if you want to be Holy Knight in Malum Region, you need to have a high mana to be accepted and then be trained to be the Holy Knight. It will be focused on your strength and defense, and anything related and needed to military. Yet, if you want to be sorceress, you also need a high mana to then learned many thing about about magic which in my mind is a way to manipulate mana itself into something like power. By the way, sorceress is rare- but it will be explained later on in this story hahaha.

4. Even in Malum Empire, all of the servants are actually have a higher mana producer. Because... they will work with someone with higher pheromone or maybe aura, which will hurt you if you don't have mana inside their body. For this case, the servants that work in the government 'trained' their mana to be their 'defense' barrier for this pheromone thingy. So that they can work with their documents without them passing out due to the harsh environment.

5. Then why Irisha could survive? If you have this question, it is simple because even in that kind of work environment, the branch is built quite far from the main one as Irisha is the first case for someone without high mana work in this environment- she is a kind of pioneer to this matter. Knowing that situation, that is why the branch is built far away so she could not really pressured by the environment- but, also- the prince's affection toward her is actually the one who help her survive. It is actually something that will be explained later on in this story.Ahaha.

6. As I said before, mana is a raw fuel that you can train based on what you desired. So the possibility, can be so many and in fact there are many profession that needed this mana thing. it is like majors in a college- you can choose many majors you like or the one that your family force you to do so, but again you need money to get to the college right? then mana is the money, this is the roughest analogy I could put ahahaha. If you have money you can choose to get into college and get your major. Then, if you have mana, you can choose any profession and then being trained in that profession. This is like Lady Cordelia's case. She has mana, but- she is a lady. So, she could not be trained because that stereotype- yet in the end, it is actually acceptable.

7. It then narrowed profession for some people who has a low mana inside their body, right? Of course they can live in just like usual in this world despite having mana or not- but, why do you think the people in Irisha's previous village to settle down in that isolated place? it is simply because their jobs could not afford the life style in such city. The rent is expensive, the power is expensive- something like that.

8.Then, as I told you at first, the mana things is different from each region- it is effected by the cultural thing actually. As in this Malum Empire, they already immersed by the concept of them being led by dragon's blessing, the thought of being protected by the dragons that something engraved in their mind. In fact, Malum Empire is bordered themselves to outside world- it is actually the whole reason of why Jahar's blockade effected the whole empire or why the independent companies are needed. It is also the reason of why Nara for Irisha is important- Maybe, Irisha is like someone who try to open Malum Empire to whole world. Just like Wano Kuni if you know One Piece, or Japan History- so yeah, but again, it will be complicated if I have to give detail on it.

9. Then, I think this is the last thing that will cover all of it. That, what you were saying before is the whole idea of this story- which, ' Mana is not an important matter.' and its the truth. The whole society that is built up, and the idea of ' one with higher mana is the important one.' is a result of hierarchal concept that is happening. It is constructed by the people, and by the passing time, people think of it as something ' permanent' that could not be change while in fact it could- if one try and give the opportunity.

Aahaha, oh my god- this is the first time I tell people about this world of mine in such detail. It is really interesting. If you find any ' does not make sense' concept- please do tell me, as I am willing to fix it. In fact, the reason of why I am not putting any detail on it, because, the 'detail' explanation of this whole Althera is being put on my other series ahaha. If you interested you can see it on my Wattpad, but- I still not continuing the series due to my schedule.

But, again, I am also not really want to put perfect concept in this world- , because this is fantasy world after all. Anything can happen, and something can be discovered. In that way, I think it will be much more interesting.

Ah also, thank you for give me opportunity to discuss my story ^^ It's so fun!



That's my explanation to him! How about you? do you have any question? Write it down if you have one- to tell you the truth, I, myself- find your comment as my fuel or my mana to keep my series going ahaha, I am so sorry to say it this way- but, I just want to be honest with my reader ^^

Then again, I hope you are having a nice day and do enjoy the story! 

Happy Reading!

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