Sign Ten

755 32 5


" This is a direct sentence in the present time."

" This is a direct sentence in the past time."

' This is inside character's mind sentence in the present time.'

'This is inside character's mind sentence in the past time.'

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the present time.]

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the past time.]


Last Revision: 21/11/2022






In the end, either it is earth or Althera, either it is a 'normal' world or the one with magic and dragon- if they faced politics, it will always be chaotic. Just like in the very extravagant and fully decorated meeting hall, with very thick black and silver accents and the symbol of black dragon fluttered magnificently. Many people who filled the chairs in this 'O' formed table, desperately tried to point out their opinion where it is to the point that they are begging, and they are all the people who are invited to this imperial meeting. 

Yet, none of the other party- if she could say that this imperial meeting is divided into two parties, where the other one left of course will be the one that is inviting these people. None of them,  who wear the imperial uniforms gives a sign that reassures the other party about this problem. The problem that makes all the businessmen here turn red and angry but could not do anything but beg while the other one looks so calm despite all of the chaotic things that happened in this meeting hall. The ones with imperial uniforms are really calm with their swords hanging on their waist or fully-armored knights who 'guard' them for protection. 

' This is what they called as Tyrant Empire.'  Sure, she now understands why several people that are invited to this meeting trying so hard to avoid it. They are quick-witted to understand and predict the situation, that nothing will go right with the involvement with the empire.

 It does not mean she does not understand the system of tyranny but, she has never been in one condition that involved this ideology. She was lived in the very democratic country with strong laws about human rights, so, she kinda surprised to look at how a government could oppress the people like this. 

" Please, could you reconsider your regulation! My company will not even survive for a month-"

" ... If what I have just said is not clear enough, I could arrange a meeting with the crown prince so you can state your complaints." said, the one that is known as the finance minister of this empire. With a very straight face as he could not seem to even feel these people struggle. In fact, what he said now, silence them already without even giving them a chance to speak one more. "... Then, if there is no one who wants to say something anymore. We are going to close today's meeting," he said with a face without a little bit essence of guilt and dare to use a word that someone will be embarrassed enough if they still have some pride or morale. Most of them quickly go outside the meeting hall with anger, some look so desperate enough as if it is their ending. To be fair though, after trying to understand what is the problem that makes this kinda situation, she could safely say that, what is happening now could ruin some companies because of how unfair the regulation is.

It is really a complicated situation. 

To put it simply, because the trade and business matters are all cut off in the eastern area caused most of the state finances decreased dramatically. Then, they 'asked' independent businessmen who are mostly doing business outside the eastern area to 'contribute' in this country matter by paying dramatically raised taxes, and if they refuse to do so, some 'meeting' with the crown prince will be held. Of course, everyone understands what could be happened in that kind of 'meeting', right?

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