Sign Twenty Six

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What is the purpose of your life?

What is the reason that makes you still breathing until now?

Why are you still living?

... as life is full of agonizing things that humans should face every day in their life. That drains all of the energy to live casually, as it is okay. Even though you sleep through the night and wake up in the beautiful morning, the body still feels so exhausted and it will be hard to even breathing.

' When it will go?' as she holds her head so much for the headache to go. Yet, even after awhile curling up in the middle of the dark room, impatiently waiting for this painful things to go... she still not feel any better.

... and it is getting worse.

the dreams are getting worse.

even her eyes wide open and her mind is fully aware. The fact that the screams still lingering in her brain, makes her gone crazy.


and she will scream in the silent, ' Please stop.' while begging for something she knows will never happened.



" My teacher tells me if I has a good mana inside my body!" Arisha said, cheerfully in the extravagant dining room. She is so cute and lovely while she wears her academy uniform and surrounded by the second prince and first prince who sit beside her seat, smiling while looking at her who tell her story. " They tell me if I am practicing diligently, I may be able to grade up sooner."

" That's great! our Arisha is so smart is not it?" said Ivy. " You should eat more, for you to grow up then. Let me cut the meat for you, okay?"

and while wiping her cheeks, the second prince smiles gently. " I will be your practice partner, Arisha! I will come to you after my classes." he said.

" Really?!" asked her excitedly. " Thank you..." and then smile shyly with her reddish cheeks who make all of the prince and princess touched. As they then, will just give her the extra attention that will make Arisha happy and shy in the same times.

' You look so happy.' and Irisha could not stop thinking about how the smile so wide and the expression of her lovely sister is so bright. She could understand all of the conversation as they are all using the sign language all the time, and after several weeks living in this palace with this kind of routine as her daily- she starts to believe that they are all caring to her sister sincerely.

... and her heart start to feel anxious.

" Eat your food well." said the crown prince, who sit beside her and pokes her before he said that.

she smiles weakly, [... I am not a child, Your Grace.]

" You are, because you just leave your food without touching it." he said. " You don't like it?"

and she looks at the sliced meat with its redness, and turns away to him. [ I am just full.] while somehow forcing the smile that the crown prince realize in just a second. [... I will eat later.] but he decides for not saying anything.

... and Irisha does not really want to give much effort about the prince that realizes her feeling. Even now, she starts to feel too exhausted to even argue. The fact that they still live here for quite awhile even though she is now healthy enough and could walk even though she needs a walking cane- is something Irisha could not argue with him. Even though she did, he will just dig to something Irisha does not want him to dig. So, she then just let him do while somehow gives him the cold treatment.

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now