Sign Thirty Two

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While looking at the big windows with gallant patterns of the dragons dyed with an impressive luxurious colors, Irisha wonders- or somehow unbelieve of the feelings and the emotions that are now flowing like a waterfall.

She raises both of her hands, spread them to capture the falling tears that she could not stop.

- Something she never thinks could be so refreshing and relaxing.

she smiles while somehow giggling a little bit while looking at the man sitting in front of her who also looking at her eyes deeply. ' After so many therapy seasons, you always give me this look.' with his golden eyes sparkling by the lights from the window.

[ You trust me?]

and he smiles very gently, " I believe in you."

[ ... While I tell you about the unknown world that seems so ridiculous?-don't you think I am just a crazy woman?]

They are now sitting on single chairs facing each other while suddenly he pulls her chair closer with both of his hands before he then wipes Irisha's tears with his bare hands. Hold both of Irisha's cheeks as he looks at her eyes again. " ... No. Somehow, I just regret it."

[ What do you mean?]

" If I know you sooner, I might be able to stand beside you in this unknown harsh world." while he gently rubs her cheeks and gives her genuine looks as he bluntly said of how important she is for him. " ... I regret I was not there..."

and her lips trembling, as she bites it hard while the tears slowly gathered at the edge of her eyes. When he said something she was always trying to hold inside her heart. To avoid the fact of the harsh world she is now living in. Ignore the fact that she was screaming every day with the unfairness of this world- covered it, tolerated it, and repeatedly say:

' This is my punishment.'

... while the truth is...

' I am broken.'

" Now, you know that I will be with you, right?"

and she nods.

" So just tell me everything."

and she nods.

" I believe in you."

and she smiles while holding his hands who are now wiping her tears that fall to her cheeks.

" Let's end today season, okay?" and he said " I will get you something to drink." while then he is standing and walking away from her who is busy wiping her tears with tissues. Then, suddenly from behind her back, some lovely small hands hug her tight.

she startled, of course. Yet, somehow she already guesses who is she.

" Are you done, sister?" with a very bright smile, Arisha welcomes her. " I bring you flowers that I picked up with brother Ash before he left for his classes." and then shows her a big bouquet that is nicely decorated.

[ This is so beautiful. Thank you.] she said while enjoying the aroma of the bouquet and taking a glimpse of a concerned expression of Arisha who realize her tears. Yet, whenever Arisha knew that she looks at her, she will put her worry away and smile brightly.

It has been one month since she does therapy season with the prince and yes, she is only able to do it with him now. Yet, after several seasons had been done, Irisha somehow could allow the professional therapist to know about her story too so she could supervise Irisha through the prince. It is so complicated and hard... yet... Irisha tries to open her closed heart even though it is slow.

She is now also trying to let her sister know about her feeling even though, it was so hard to do it before.

[ I am okay. I talked about something I was hiding for so long....] and, maybe because she realized exactly why she ended up in this situation. Irisha tries not doing the second mistake to her sister. So, she tries to open herself up...even though she signs it with her trembling hands. [... It might be slow, but... maybe later, if I am brave enough... I will let you know.]

Yet Arisha holds her hands tight and nodded, " I will wait for you." with her emotional expression that somehow makes Irisha proud and at the same time feels so loved... something that once, she could not freely ever feel.



it then somehow becomes her new daily routine. After waking up in the morning in the most luxurious bedroom, she then has breakfast with all of the dragon's blessing in the imperial dining room, do the therapy season with the prince and enjoys the tea that is prepared by the Imperial maids all day alone or sometimes- depends on the times- she will do it with the crown prince, the princess, the second prince, and Arisha.

It was mostly her daily routine before, as she stopped work for a while due to her circumstance. Yet, after coming to her right mind and after she feels a little bit better about herself, she decides to come back to her previous life.

So it is not strange at all when Irisha comes to her office after quite a while... she looks at many surprised expressions come from all the staff who are doing their works. Even Tara could not stop her mouth from gaping while looking at her now.

" Please, attention," said Sir Higrid who stands beside her. " Sorry to bother you in the middle of the work, but, please do welcome my new assistant. Please work respectfully as you always do before," he said, with perfect fluent sign language. He then looks at her and signs, " Welcome back." while Irisha spots a faded smile of him who is known as a very emotionless person.

She nodded while gripping her hands.

' I am surely surrounded by many great people, is not it?'

Suddenly, Tara runs toward her and hugs her so bad while crying so hard and it is followed by many people who then surround her with emotional expressions.

'... am I now become a melancholic people?' as the tears who once hard to fall- are now, streaming down like a river easily who also make many people cry.

That day, then just becomes a very emotional moment that this branch ever felt together.

"... Well, I might somehow give my gratitude toward this matter." the crown prince said while spectating the emotional moment of the financial branch from afar.

and Sir Higrid who also looks in the same direction as him then said, " What do you mean?"

" You are not someone who will welcome the one who decided to leave," he said. " ... and Irisha is not letting me help her either, so..."

"... Ah, don't misunderstand," he said. " ... even she might be caught my heart, Your Highness. She is also not letting me help her even though I could," he said. " She just offers me something who, me, as the finance minister could not even dare to refuse. Then, she ended up in that position without no one help once again..."

and the crown prince who once frowned laughs to his heart's content. " A typical Irisha, is not it?"

then the finance minister nodded. " Yes. Exactly it is."


In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now