Sign Thirty Nine

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Irisha is kind of confused with her situation right now. For her sitting together side by side with the Empress of Empire Malum in this isolated garden she just found. Then maybe after she lives for almost 20 years old in this world- a kind of color she once get used to but rare in this world, feels so strange when Irisha once again looks at it.

The black hair that is so beautiful straightly falls on the thin body of the Empress. She looks so young despite having three children, looks so calm with a mysterious demeanor. Yet- strangely, even though the woman in front of Irisha has such a title on her, Irisha realizes something that she never thought once,

' ... I don't know anything about Empress.'

As matter of fact, she feels like there are not many people talking about the empress regularly. Even though Irisha never once attends any of the Imperial parties, but- she always heard that the Empress always keeps her seat empty. No one sees the Empress during the Imperial Occasions' and the empress also is not in charge of any governor duties. It feels normal if she is absent because she is not a person in charge, but also, it does not feel normal because usually, the empress of the Malum Empire will involve in the governor's matters.

' Well... people do know that she is the one with black attributes.' Even though in this region this 'cursed' stereotyped is not as thick as in the other region, it's thin- that's means many still believe it.

" You look like you are having so many thoughts in your mind." Said the Empress. As she is the first person with black attributes Irisha has met, there is nothing from her that suitable with the word 'Cursed'. The fact that she is also being reminded of Ivy's story about her mother who hates her children- is also somehow unsuitable. The Empress feels so caring and kind even to a stranger like Irisha. " ...Is it because of my look?"

[ I will never-!] She said it hurriedly. [... I was just losing in my thought.]

" .... You do, you were crying don't you?" and she looks at her kindly. A kind of expression that is not really showing a smile but, her calming demeanor of her somehow gives Irisha a strange reassuring impression. " ... if you want, I can be your friend to talk to."

[... Ah, it's nothing. I am just a little bit tired.] she said flustered. She then stands up, somehow ready to bow.  Thinking that it might be better to just leave, [ ... Then, please excu-]

" ... you seem to be a typical person that will keep your feeling inside and think about it by yourself."

[ Pardon?]

" Do you find the solution to your problem?"

And she confused, [... what are you talking about, Your Majesty?] but, even though she said that Irisha feels like the Empress asking about her current situation.

The empress looks at her deeply before looking at the sky for quite a while confusing irisha about what she should do in this situation. " My husband seems to put my first son into a dire situation." She said while looking at Irisha who still confusedly standing while looking at her. Irisha could not understand her situation, how to respond and what is the Empress trying to say? Yet, the empress lifts her foot and put it on the other one while then looking at her with a faint smile.

"... do you know the history of the dragons, Ms. Irisha?"

[... about the Holy Dragon?]

And she nods, " Entirely."

[ I don't read so many books about that...]

" Do you want me to tell you?" asked her. "... If you have free time to keep me company I will be grateful."

[... Then, if it's okay with you, Your Majesty.] she said. Moreover, who dare to refuse the Empress's invitation? Yet- other than that, there is a strange feeling that enough for being a reason for Irisha to stay and listen to her. So then, she sits once more while somehow the Empress seems to call the maid that suddenly comes to her. Seems they stand by near the Empress so they are not taking a long time to come. The Empress seems to order the maid to bring the tea and refreshment for her. Of course, all of them are Irisha's speculation while reading their lips' movements. Yet, she is right.

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now