Lose it

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After months on end of hard rehab and training to get my body back to where it was before all of this, I was finally on the pitch again wearing my Man City kit for what felt like forever.

With Carli having gone back over to the states to play this season I'm only left with Steph as my go-to 'mom' over here, which is fine by me because I can spend more time seeing Grace too. I actually went to watch her play a couple of weeks back and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

The start of the season for City has been going well actually, we've won most our games except one against Chelsea but the referee was clearly biased and we complained to the league but nothing happened about it.

Right now I'm packing my suitcase to go back overseas to the states and attend the wedding of the century. It's all very private and nobody is allowed to bring their phones since Christen and Tobin are still a secret to the world which I don't mind.

"are you sure you have everything, you're her bridesmaid, do you not have extra things to take?" Steph asks as she looks in my room

"Most the stuff is back at my home with Kelley so I'll pick it up when I get there, I promise everything is organised," I say laughing at how panicked she is for a wedding she's not even going to

"Right okay then, Kelleys still picking you up from the airport?" Steph asks this time

"Yes she is" I reply zipping it all up

"Okie Dokie then, I'll take the bag to the car and we can get going," She says smiling at me and picking up my suitcase before leaving my apartment.

Christen picked her sister Tyler to be her maid of honour at the wedding, obviously, but she asked Kelley and I to do a speech on her big day, something I've found difficult to do but Kelley and I came up with a pretty clever solution.

I lock up my place and follow Steph to her car where I climb into the passenger seat and buckle myself in.

"you excited to see the team again?" Steph asks me

"very, it's been so long since we've all been in the same place again, January camp ages ago," I tell her thinking about how that was only 2 months ago

"I'm lucky to play with most of my national teammates at City, I don't think I could do what you guys have and there being 2-3 from your squad" She cells me and I hum in agreement

"Kelley says it gets tough sometimes but when they do meet up it makes their time together more special you know," I say remembering the conversations we've had

"You know I find it hard sometimes, especially now mama has gone back," I say to Steph

"I know" Steph replies looking at me sadly as she squeezes my hand

"But I've got you and you're the best other mom I could ask for," I say winking at her as she just laughs and continues driving me to the airport.

We make it to Heathrow with plenty of time before my flight takes off so after I've said my goodbyes to Steph I'm left waiting around for my gate to open. I'm wearing USA merch which probably wasn't the best idea if I want to stay incognito around here.

I keep my hat on for the rest of my wait and surprisingly nobody comes up to me which is nice for once, I love when fans come and ask for photos and autographs but sometimes you just want to be left alone like an average person.

My flight is called so I pick up my bags and head towards my gate, handing the flight attendant my ticket and taking my seat in first class. I'm still pretty tired from my game yesterday so I sleep for the whole flight over.

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