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Soulmates are a thing we have apparently, they are extremely rare but around 1 in 10 million people have a soulmate in this world, there are different ways to tell if you have a soulmate. The most common is your soulmates name will appear on your wrist when you turn 18, and once you meet up with your soulmate it disappears, about 70 per cent of all soulmates have this.

Then there are the people that have something symbolic about there soulmate appear on their body, this also happens on your 18th birthday but stays for the rest of your life, and that makes up around 29 percent but then you have the 1 percent of soulmates that experience each others pain, it happens when your soulmate is born or if you're born after you soulmate, till the day you die. It could be something as small as a papercut or as large as a broken bone, they only experience the pain for around 5 minutes and then it goes, however, they are left with a mark. It's extremely rare and there have only ever been 3 reports of soulmates having this special connection, I guess you could make that 4 now including me.

Yes, I am part of that special 1 percent. You would think that having a soulmate is an amazing thing and is shared to everyone but it's not, unfortunately, we live in an evil world and people like to hate on other people because they have things they don't.

There was a time when being a soulmate was respected and valued in society but people became greedy and decided if they don't have a soulmate then other people can't either. That's what happened in the '1989 soulmate massacre' during a 3 month period in that year people all over the world were murdered daily and what was the one thing they all had in common, they where soulmates. So from then on if you were a soulmate you hid if you had a name or a symbol, when you turned 18 you did everything in your power to hide it, no one could know, not parents, not friends, not family and sometimes even partner. Some people went out of there way to not marry their soulmate because they didn't know if they could be killed because of it.

It's not all doom and gloom, I bet there are plenty of people out there in happily married relationships with there soulmate and not told anyone. But for the majority of people having a soulmate is more of a burden than it is the blessing it's supposed to be.

When I was younger it was easier to hide the odd mark, ' oh yeah I fell off the swing' or 'I tripped walking to my friends' but the older you get and sometimes the more serious bruise, it was harder coming up with an excuse, I couldn't wear any shorts out or short-sleeved tops in case my soulmate happened to get a mark and it appeared on my skin. I really hope that no one spots the large bruise on my soulmates side, it would be pretty hard to explain that. They are going to have to explain the gash on the eyebrow though, that's pretty hard to hide as well as the giant black eye that goes with it.

I'm yet to meet my soulmate and to say I'm pretty scared is an understatement. I have a lot of baggage with me and I don't want someone to be weighed down by it all. Unlike some people I want to end up marrying my soulmate one day and because of that, I've never had a relationship because the person I'm meant to be with for the rest of my life is out there so what's the point in being with someone you know isn't the one. I hope my soulmates the same, I haven't woken up to any hickies so I guess that's a plus.

All of a sudden I hear my phone go off next to me.

"Hey Hayley, wondering if you wanted to meet up for a coffee?" Lucy texts me, I smile down at my phone and type her a message back

"Sure think Lucy, I know this great little place we can go. I'll send you the address" I text back, putting my phone down, I get up and change into a pair of ripped jeans, a plain white t-shirt and my favourite Beenie.

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