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"you ready for this Knight?" Carli asks as we head into the locker room for our first match against New Zealand.

"Nope, but I will be when we get on, I just need to keep my nerves down now," I tell her truthfully while putting on my kit.

"You're not alone out there, you have 10 other plays on the pitch and another 7 cheering you on the bench" Carli says patting my shoulder in support

"I know Carlos, thanks," I say and smile at my captain before getting back to my pre-match routine

I get my new tape out which is actually blue, white and red stripes, some company saw me using it in all my games and contacted me for a sponsorship about it so now I have a bunch of USA and Man City style tape.

Once I've done my tape job to my standard I kiss my mothers necklace one last time before taking it off and placing it in my locker for safekeeping.

I go through my bag and pull out the letter they wrote to me all this year's ago and sit down reading it through in my head again. A take a deep breath when I've finished trying to keep my emotions in check and lookup around the room at the weird family I've made.

My eyes land on Kelley laughing with Alex and Allie about something stupid knowing them, but it makes me smile. I'm exactly where I want to be, playing in the Olympics for my country alongside my girlfriend and some of my best friends. What more could you ask for in life than a moment like this hey?

Kelley must have sensed me staring at her because her head turns to look at me and a smile breaks out on her face when we lock eyes. I watch as she excuses herself from the other girls and comes walking over to me.

"What are you staring at?" Kelley asks smirking at me as she sits down on my lap

"Oh you know just my girlfriend perfect ass" I reply cheekily only to get a slap on the arm in response

"I'm messing! I was just thinking about how lucky I am to be here with my amazing girlfriend" I tell her truthfully, smiling widely like an idiot

"I love being able to go to work with you by my side, maybe not the case when you're at Man City but here with our own little family." She says looking around the room at all the people here

"I wouldn't want to share this experience with anyone else sweet cheeks, it's you and me till the end of the line," I say kissing her on the lips

She grabs my face in her hands and deepens her kiss, expressing all our emotions just with the touch of our lips coming together. We are soon interrupted by something being thrown at our heads

"No PDA in the locker room, thank you!" Alex shouts out having thrown a pair of shorts at our head

"Just because your man is not here, you don't need to bully us about it" Kelley protest sticking her tongue out at her best friend

"well that just plain rude" Alex replies in mock surprise at Kelleys response

my girlfriend goes to retaliate but Jill soon steps in and we all quite down knowing she's about to give us the starting line up and coaches speech.

"We've waited a long time for this first match to start and kick off our Olympic journey so we go out there today and prove to the world why we are ranked number one!" Jill says getting a large cheer from the crowd

"Okay so the line ups going to go like this: Hope in goal, Becky, Julie, Kelley and Ali are holding the backline. Morgan, Allie and Tobin, I want you to hold the midfield line while Carli and Lindsey are going to be pushed a little forward. And lastly Alex you're up top" Jill finished says, my shoulders slump a little at not being named in the starting eleven but I know that I can't replace the likes of Alex up top so I'll just have to wait and see if Jill decides to sub me on or not.

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