Lost in the moment

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I had a pretty average rest of the week; I went back to the homeless shelter to finish the lasagna, I guess word got around that I was making it so we had more visitors than usual which I don't mind I made extra in case something like that happened. I organised the bus to the match and ordered the new kit, I may or may not have changed the design but oh well I'm paying for it. It's currently 9:00 a.m and I'm getting dressed for our first game in the championship. I can't seem to find my shin pads anywhere, I head to the kitchen to ask Ryder if he's seen them around.

"Ryder have you seen my shin pads around they aren't in my soccer bag or my room?" I sign to him, he just looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"What!" I ask him confused.

"Shin pads. It's shin guards Hayley, your spending too much time with the British, it's screwing up your brain" Ryder says as he comes towards me and messes with my hair.

"My brains already screwed up Ryder, I don't think some British terminology is going to make it any worse," I tell him sarcastically, he just rolls his eyes at me and walks off somewhere. He comes back about a minute later with them in his hands

"They where smelling out the house Hayley so I put them in the wash, and somehow they still smell," Ryder says turning his nose up while he passes them to me. I take a quick whiff of them and let me tell you they smell like roses.

"These smell amazing Ryder I don't know what you're talking about" I sign to my brother while putting them away in my bag. He just shakes his head and walks away probably to go study or something. I make sure I have everything I need for today and head out my door towards the training field where we are getting picked up.

I'm walking towards the field when I notice a young woman with her car Bonett up, she seems pretty frustrated over the situation so I decided to go and see if she needs help.

"Of all the days this piece of junk had to break down it just was my first day" I hear the women mumble angrily to her self. I tap her on the shoulder trying to get her attention, she turns around and I flash her a bright smile. She looks at me and I gesture to her car

"Oh right, my car has broken down and I'm on my way to work, the mechanics said they can't get here till 12" the girls says continuing to mess with the insides of her car, I watch her about to pull out a wire that she definitely shouldn't unless she want to be on the floor electrocuted. I quickly pull her hand away and shake my head. She turns to looks at me confused and I gesture to her car bonnet

"Err yeah sure" she replies back, I send her a warm smile and have a look for the problem. I spot that her distributor cap has cracked which routes the voltage from the car engine ignition coil to the sparks plug. Yes I know about cars, it's not just guys that know. I take the cap off and grab my towel from my bag making sure it's clean, I also grab some tape and wrap the top to cover the crack. It's not a permanent solution but it should last her. I place the cap back on and walk around to the driver's side, I get in and turn the key. The engine turns on pretty soon after.

"Omg you're a lifesaver thank you so much!" the women exclaims pulling me into a tight hug. I get my phone out and use the voice app that I have installed.

"Its no problem, I know how to fix cars and you looked like you were in a hurry" my phone answers for me.

She smiles towards me and I can tell she's wanting to ask me something.

"I don't mean to be rude but are you deaf," the girl asks me shyly, chuckling a little and shake my head while typing out an answer to my phone.

"No I'm not but I can't speak," my phone says for me, she looks at me surprised while nodding her head.

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