Just Friends

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"Does this look like a suitable attire?" I ask Christen giving her a little spin to show off my chosen outfit.

"All I have to say is Kelley is one lucky lady" She says winking at me as I just smirk at her answer.

"I've got to dress to impress the girlfriend" I reply with a wink of my own, clipping on my mothers necklace.

"you won't believe this, but guess who Tobin is roomed with," Christen says chuckling slightly at me.

"Who?" I ask

"Kelley," She says slipping on her last shoe

"No way! Is Jill stupid or something" I say laughing in surprise

"oh she most definitely is" Christen replies joining in on the laughter too.

Once we've got everything we need for the night, we head to the elevator and let it take us to the wherever we are having this huge get-together.

Christen tries to explain a few things to me on the way down but most of it is pretty self-explanatory anyway, we meet a bunch of other athletes and socialise.

Yay, can't wait for my social anxiety to kick in.

I find Kelley waiting for me in the corridor and I look at her confused as to why she's not inside.

"I wanted to go in with you, make sure you okay with the big crowds and stuff," she says knowing exactly what I'm thinking

I just smile at her gratefully knowing that having her by my side will definitely make me a lot calmer.

"by the way, you look hot" Kelley whispers in my ear making me raise my eyebrows at her.

"That was the whole point," I say winking at her.

We follow behind Christen as she opens up the doors and lets us into the giant room packed full of people.

"remember you don't have to talk to everyone and I'll be by yourself the whole time to help, okay?" Kelley says squeezing my hand in hers

I just take a deep breath and nod my head trying to reassure myself that I'll be fine.

Kelley leads me to our seat and I use down on a table with her and Julie along with a few other people I don't know yet.

It turns out that they all play a wide range of sports. There are two hockey players Meghan Duggan who's the captain and Megan Keller who's at her first Olympics at the age of 19 which is very impressive, I should introduce her to Mal.

Then we have Jenny Thompson, the most decorated female Olympian in the world is sitting at my table, to say I wasn't slightly fangirling was an understatement.

Breanna Stewart, who is 6'4 making me feel like a pea in comparison, but she's a basketball player and they are usually taller than average people.

The captain of the women volleyball team, Christa Harmotto, she's got that Hope Solo death stare about her but she's actually really sweet.

And then there are my two muppets of teammates, Kelley and Julie. We make conversation for a while, I mostly sit back and listen to the others tell stories and talk when I'm asked a question otherwise I'm more than happy to listen.

suddenly, all of the coaches stand up holding a bowl in their hands and walking the front.

"Thank you for all coming here tonight as many of you know this is a tradition we've been doing for over 20 years now at every Olympic game. If it's your first, congratulations and we hope to see you at many more but if it's your last then we hope to make it a memorable one" The mystery woman say getting a loud cheer from the crowd.

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