Worst of you

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"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy New Year!" Everyone shouts from the backyard of Christen and Tobin's house. I have my arm over Katie's shoulder as we stare up at the sky, fireworks exploding into colours.

I look around and see the couples all kissing. Tobin and Christen, their parents, Jeffreys girlfriend who came for the new year along with Perrys and Tyler's boyfriends. Leaving just me and Katie couple-less at the start of 2016.

"don't you just love being single" Katie whispers in my ear making me chuckle.

After the make-out session has finished we all head inside for a few drinks and some food before heading off to bed.

"What time is your flight tomorrow?" Christen ask me as we head upstairs to out rooms.

"It's at 3 so I need to be at the airport by mid-day" I tell my friend, she nods her head but I can see the sadness in her eyes.

"Hey, you are going to see me in February for camp remember and I'm only a text away" I sign to Christen trying to reassure her that everything will be okay. I pull her into a hug and since I'm a little taller her head rests nicely in the crook of my neck.

"excuse me, where is my hug too" We turn around to see Tobin standing there a smile on her face.

"come here you," I say laughing as we end up having a big group hug in the middle of the landing.

I say goodnight to them both and head to my room getting myself ready for a nice sleep. I undress and check over my arm, a faint scar can be seen on my skin meaning it must be very large and deep for my soulmate if it's to stay on me. I try not to dwell on it too much as just carry on getting dressed. Once I'm all comfy I climb under the covers and let myself fall asleep, ready for the long flight home tomorrow afternoon.

- - - -

"Wakey wakey eggs and backey" I hear Christens distinctive voice say right into my ear. I groan not wanting to get up so instead pull the covers over my head.

"No I don't think so missy, you have a flight to catch and I'm not going to let you miss it" Christen says as she rips the covers off my body, I wrap myself up into a ball trying to keep myself warm.

"Hey! That's was mean!" I moan to Chrissy she just shrugs her shoulders and walks out the room leaving me cold in a bed.

Deciding it's best not to fight her on this one I climb off the bed and head into the shower. Once I'm clean and dressed for the day I head downstairs with my bags I packed yesterday.

"There you are, Chris was about to come and hunt you down" Tobin tells me, I just laugh knowing full well she would do something like that.

"Well, I'm here now, who is coming to the airport with me by the way?" I ask Tobin curiously.

"Erm I think just me and Chrissy actually, everyone else is driving home," She tells me, I nod my head in acknowledgement and place my bags by the door.

"were is Christen, she was pestering me before," I ask Tobin looking around the room and not seeing her anywhere.

"She's just warming up the car. Here we'll take your bags out now since she should be done soon" Tobs tells me as she grabs one of my bags while I take the other. We head outside and towards the garage where Christen is sitting in the driver's seat. Tobin opens the trunk up and places my bag in.

"Hey Honey, you ready to go soon?" Tobin asks her girlfriend through the car

"Almost love, just need a few more minutes and we'll be ready to head off" Christen says turning up the heaters. I place my last bag in the trunk and we climb into the car with Chris driving.

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