This love

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"Hopey!" Kelleys says as the goalie comes barreling into the room and straight to my girlfriend's bed.

Hope catches Kelley of guard by pulling her into a big hug. She doesn't waste any time in wrapping her arms around the girl though. Hope eventually let's go and slaps Kelley on the arm.

"Oww, what was that for," Kelley says pouting her bottom lip as she and I both rub the spot on out arms.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again Maureen" Hope says sternly giving her the iconic stare that can make any grown man scared. I watch Kelley visible gulp at the use of her middle name too.

She doesn't reply just frantically nods her head yes, not wanting to piss off the keeper anymore.

"Good, you had us all worried sick" Hope tells her while planting a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"I know and I'm really sorry, I didn't even realise I was asleep for that long" Kelley states.

"It's not your fault Kelley, you couldn't control the damage Dale did to your body" Hope says having gone back to her softer self.

"Speaking of Dale, has he been arrested?" Kelleys asks us curiously, I watch Hope about to speaks but I place my hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"They said he fled the country, but they know where he is so it's only a matter of time until he's caught," I say lying to Kelley.

"That's good, as long as he's nowhere near me he can rot in hell for all I care," She says pulling the covers back over herself.

"You'll be alright here for a few seconds while I speak to Hayley, your family should be here in a few minutes," Hope tells Kelley causing the girl to shiver in thought.

"divorced parents in the same room, go me" Kelley sarcastically says giving herself a silent cheer.

I step out of the room with Hope knowing exactly what's she's going to ask me.

"Why did you not tell Kelley that we have Dale and that's he's in custody right now?" Hope questions me.

"because we all know how shit the justice system is and I can bet you a man like Dale has some friends that can get him out of this. I don't want to tell her that we've got him and he's been arrested when he's most likely going to a free man tomorrow. You saw how relieved she looked when I said he fled to another country. She doesn't want that man anywhere near him and I most certainly don't either." I explain to Hope having thought this all through.

"I understand that but what do we do when he gets out and is left wandering the streets, who knows if he'll come after her again!" Hope says

"Don't worry I've got the best lawyers out there and I'll make sure that bastard doesn't see the light of day for the next 50 years." I tell Hope adamantly.

"Okay just keep me in the loop with it all, I want to be there when they lock him up" She says and I nod my head. I'm about to reply when we see Kelleys' family running down the hall.

"They said my baby's awake! Is that true" Karen shouts to us.

"Yes Karen she's awake and waiting to see you guys" Hope tells them and they don't wait around.

"When did you get here Hope?" Erin asks deciding to let the rest of her family go in without her.

"This morning, Hayley text me and said she woke up" Hope explains to the O'Hara sister.

"and why did I not receive a text message?" Erin says to me, raising her eyebrows.

"because a certain freckled soccer player said she didn't want anyone knowing until this morning as she knew your parents would be asking every 20 seconds if she was okay, and I wasn't going to go behind her back" I explain to Erin.

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