Serious love

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"R5!" Julie shouts at me and I sprint off to the right-hand corner of the pitch, waiting for the ball to be sent over the top.

And just like Julie said, she plays the ball to the corner flag and perfectly to my feet. I don't even need to take a touch of the ball to send a cross into the box waiting for Mal to burry it into the back of the net and put us up 3-0 in the first half already.

"Preath baby! I love you" I shout running up to Mal and catching her in my arms.

"That was like the best cross ever!" She says wrapping her legs around me as the others all join in too.

"You and Julie really need to explain your whole secret code thing to us next match" Alex says causing Julie and I to just laugh.

"but then it wouldn't be a secret," I say smirking before all of us jog back to our position.

I glance over at Carli on the sidelines and see her secretly wink at me before putting her thumbs up in approval.

Ever since Carli took over Jill's role, the team morale has been great. We're all a lot more confident that the right decisions are being made, and the fact we're 3-0 up in the second half clearly shows that too.

Now, all we've got to do is keep our lead and maybe slot a few more balls into the back of the net.

And just like I asked, Hope, kept the clean sheet and I managed to get another goal in, giving us a 4-0 win in the semifinals, something the doesn't happen very often.

"LETS FUCKING GO LADIES!" Kelley screams way too loudly running up to me.

"Jesus Kelley, try not to burst my eardrums please!" I say wincing at the volume

"Sorry babe" Kelley replies hugging me before running off to probably hug Alex or Allie.

I go around shaking hands with the Brazil girls, giving them small smile in apology for being knocked out of their home Olympics.

I decided to quickly run over to Carli and congratulate her on her first full game as out coach.

"Well done mama, you looked like a complete natural out there," I say giving Carli a hug

"You guys made it easy for me, I've never seen us play so good before" Carli tells me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder

"Its because we all believe in you and each other now, we know everyone can do their job properly" I tell her letting her know what we've all been thinking.

"Well I'm kind of liking this job after all, who nows, maybe I'll stick with it" She says winking at me and letting me rejoin my friends.

"Come on, we've got to do our prayer circle" Kelley says grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the centre on the pitch where the other girls are all grouping

I kneel down next to Kelley and Julie, linking my arms with them both.

"I'm so proud of each and every one of you ladies, we went out there and showed them why we still deserve to be in this Olympics" Becky says speaking to us all

"We're going to the final and you'd best all believe we're going to win it!" she shouts getting a loud cheer out of us all

After we've all changed, and celebrated some more, we head back to the hotel and get ready to crash for the night.

We decided to stick to the rules this evening, so I'm back I'm with Christen again while Kelley has gone to her room with Tobin. I let both of us in and we instantly crash onto the bed.

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