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"Hey, here's your coffee, one sugar" Erin says passing me the cardboard cup as I sit next to Kelley.

"Thanks," I say and gladly take a sip.

"Mom and dad said they'd be here in about an hour, they are going to buy some clothes, you can't stay in your training kit the whole time you're here," Erin says sitting down on the opposite side to me.

"Right, I forgot I was even in it to be honest," I say looking down at my outfit.

"where there enough rooms for everyone last night, I only remembered mid-morning that your parents are divorced," I ask curiously.

"Yeah mom text me last night that she and dad haven't said a single word to each other since they got here" Erin explains.

My phone pings next to me so I pick it up and see Steph has text letting me know that she coming over to see us before heading back to London.

"Carli and Steph are coming before the have to fly back," I say letting Erin know who's coming to visit her sister.

"Carli? I haven't seen her in a while" Erin says smiling to me.

"You know Carli well?" I ask Erin curiously.

"Yeah, Kelley is super close with Hope so when they started dating and Hope would come to see Kelley, Carli always came too, we got talking to each other a lot since Kelley and Hope are attached to the hip when they're together." Erin explains laughing lightly at the memory.

"Shit I don't even know if she knows let alone the rest of the girls," I say realising that I've kind of been in a bubble since I found out the news.

"I'm sure Carli has told people Hayley, don't worry," Erin says seeing the panic in me.

The doctors came in an hour ago and told Erin that they had to put Kelley asleep to perform the surgery and that she has to wake up on her own now, they think it should be soon but they can't be sure. So basically it's one big waiting game from here on out.

"When are you heading back to London, you've got a game in a few days right?" Erin asks me as we try to make some conversation.

"I'm not going back until she leaves this hospital and even then I'll probably stay with her to make sure she's okay," I say having made up my mind the moment I stepped foot into this hospital.

"Okay but when Kelley wakes up and sees you're not playing soccer, she's going to be pissed," Erin says which I know is the truth, but soccer is the last thing on my mind right now.

The rest of the O'Hara clan arrive soon after, bringing me a change of clothes which I gladly take.

"Do you guys know who attacked Kelley?" I ask.

"Hayleys asking if we know who attacked Kelley in her apartment" Erin says to her parents.

"They think it was a guy since there were shoe prints in her place and there's no sign of forced entry so it could be someone she knew and willingly let them in," Dan says to me obviously reciting what the police have told him.

"do they have any leads on this guy?" Erin asks thinking the same thought of me

"No unfortunately not but they are getting a list together of known associates who are in the area or have recently been" Dan explains.

Karen's phone starts to suddenly ring making all eyes turn to look at her.

"I've got to take this" She says answering the phone as she walks out the room.

Her KnightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon