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"Oh and don't think you got away with your little secret Hayley," Steph says as she passes me my coffee.

I'm currently round at Steph's place while Steven is out of town with his club. She invited me round for a chat and a coffee but apparently, it's turning into an investigation.

"And what secret would you be talking about Houghton" I ask taking a sip of my drink

"The fact that you have a girlfriend and didn't tell me, Knight," Steph says back, leaning forward on her elbows.

Shit, there's no way I'm getting out of this one, I'd hoped she forget after all the celebrations last night but clearly not.

"you've got to promise you won't tell anyone Steph, I'm serious about this," I say starting to get worried about what she's going to think.

"Hayley, come on, you know me, I would never say anything that wasn't my secret to keep," She says her eyes softening a bit once she's seen how stressed I am.

"We met when I was at camp 2 months ago in Argentina, we talked loads went on a couple of amazing dates and spent almost every day talking." I say

"That sounds great Hayley, who is the lucky lady?" Steph asks me smiling

"Kelley O'Hara," I tell her

"Your national teammate, why do you sound so worried then there's nothing wrong with that" Steph says looking a little confused.

"because I didn't want you to find out this early on, we didn't want people to know how quickly we got together" I explain.

"what when did you get together, like a couple of weeks maybe a month ago," Steph says

"No, the first week of camp actually," I say shyly wondering what ber reaction going to be like

"So you're saying that after a week of meeting you're were dating ?" Steph asks putting down her coffee mug to look at me.

"When you put it like that it sounds bad," I say having heard it coming from someone else's mouth.

"I mean it is a little fast-paced do you not think, do you even know much about her?" Steph asks

"Of course, we just don't get much time to spend together that's all," I say trying to defend myself.

"I just don't want you to get hurt if you break up," She tells me

"We won't break up Steph don't worry" I reply

"you don't know that Hayley, you need to look at this logically" Steph tries to says

"were not going to be breaking up because, because we're soulmates," I say quickly not believing I've actually just told her.

"Your w-what?" She stutter outs.

"We're soulmates, I know that most people see it as a horrible thing and I pray to God that you don't but I totally understand if you can't be my friend anymore, in fact, I'll just leave now," I say standing up from my seat and grabbing my stuff.

"Hayley, sit down," Steph tells me but I ignore her and carry on walking towards for door.

"Hayley Knight, get your butt in here and on a seat right now," Steph says raising her voice at me. I freeze on the spot and turn around to face her. I walk to the couch, my eyes looking at the floor the whole time.

"Look at me Hayley" Her voice sounding soft and reassuring but I don't want to fall for a trap.

"I don't look at you any differently, you're still the girl who came to training and showed everyone up, you're still the girl who sat next to me on the couch and ran through plays the whole time, you're still the girl who helped my niece come out of her shell and feel herself again. You're still the same person to me Hayley, maybe your a little different than everyone else but you already were and you embraced that." Steph says making me tear up.

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