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"Let's go people! Places to be, people to see!" Julie yells at us all, I look at Christen to give a "what the fuck" kind of look making her chuckle.

"You get used to it after a while, if her timed schedule is off by even a minute, all hell brakes lose" Christen says, her body physically shivering at the thought.

"I feel like there's a story behind that," I ask Christen

"Oh there's is, I'll tell you another time," She says before we walk off to Julie.

It's been a week since I came to stay with Julie, she's doing a lot better at the moment, still having the odd nightmare but her emotions have definitely calmed down a bit. I've really become close with Christen and Alyssa during my time at the red stars, they've made me feel really welcome there. Julie is currently dragging me and Christen out shopping for soccer gear which I don't mind too much since I need some new things anyway.

We head into the Nike store first since that's Julies sponsor and she goes straight to the boots. I help her pick out a nice pair and she ends up going for the Mercurial Superfly's in blue

 I help her pick out a nice pair and she ends up going for the Mercurial Superfly's in blue

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She carries on shopping around and I quite sneak off to the front till. I take her boots with me and ask the cashier for a piece of paper and pen. He hands it to ke so I ask him a question.

"Are you able to get any embroidery on these boots?" I write on the paper and hand it to him.

"Yeah you can, depends what you want on it really" He says.

"I just want to some dates an writing on either side of the shoes," I write down, he looks at it and nods his head

"We can do that, just tell me what the dates and words are and I'll go get the guys to do it for you now," The cashier says, I smile at him and write down the two date and the words I want before he goes off with both the paper and the boots. I head back to rejoin the others.

"Where did you run-off too" Julie asks me, I try and play it off by just shrugging my shoulders.

"I just saw a nice pair of shin guards you know," I tell her, she just nods her head and carries in looking at sports clothes. We spend the next hour in here, I got myself some new work out clothes, Christen bought a new pair of cleats and so did Julie.

"Wait where did I put my cleats down?" Julie asks confused while spinning around in a circle looking for them.

"I put them behind the till for you," I tell her, she lets out a such of relief and heads towards the till.

"Hi, I'm here for my Mercurial Superfly's in blue" Julie says

"Ah yes they'll be with you in a couple of minutes, they are almost done" Some woman on the till says before walking off.

"almost done, what does she mean by that?" Julie speaks out loud to herself. a few minutes later the same women come out and hand the box to Julie.

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