Chapter 68: Where is he?

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So change of plans. I finished it! Enjoy!

"Wake up Taehyungie."

That voice resonated in his ears as he felt a sudden warmth over his eyes as if someone just kissed him.

He slowly opened his eyes, everything was blurred around him. The first thing he saw was a figure, he couldn't see the face but he could make out that someone was in front of his eyes. It was the figure of a man with slightly long hair.

His mind was completely hazy and he couldn't think of anything at the moment. He tried blinking his eyes a few times to see that face better, but the moment he tried to do so, they felt heavy again.

Then they closed and he fell asleep.

The next time he opened his eyes, all he saw was white. He groaned and blinked a few more times and then everything started to finally fall into place.

"He's awake." He heard a voice and looked aside to see a lady in white clothes standing besides him.

"How do you feel sir?" He heard the lady ask him. He opened his mouth to reply but no voice really left his mouth. He felt pain in his throat when he tried to make a voice.

"It's okay sir, calm down, just nod if you can hear me." He nodded his head and a sudden sting shot through his head making him groan again.

He picked up his hand to hold his head, but the lady held his hand,
"Don't touch it sir, there's a wound there." She said and he nodded as he felt the bandage wrapped around his forehead.

He looked around and as expected he was in a hospital room.

"Do you remember who you are?" She asked him and he again looked at her before nodding.

"Good, you're in the Seoul Hospital right now. Your family is waiting outside, do you want me to call them?" She asked again and within a second he nodded without thinking already too eager to see them.

He closed his eyes and just waited as the nurse left the room,
"Taetae." He opened his sleepy eyes again and looked ahead to see Jimin entering the room.

He looked rather different, he looked old, Jimin walked closer to him and sat down besides him.

"How do you feel Taetae?" He asked Taehyung as a few drops of tears rolled down his face.

"F-fine." He responded in a husky voice. His eyes moving to the door again as he saw one other person walking in the room.

He seemed rather puzzled looking at that face.

"That's a relief." Jimin said as he held Taehyung's hand who didn't even know what happened but just pulled his hand away not really liking any touch. The person of course noticed it.

Jimin looked rather disappointed at that but he knew Taehyung doesn't like other people touching him besides Jungkook so he didn't say anything.

"W-where's.." Taehyung started talking but then coughed loudly as he felt his hoarse throat. Jimin was quick to help him with a glass of water.

"Where's who?" Suddenly another voice entered his ears and he looked towards the other person who had entered the room.

Taehyung again tried to speak but even before he could say a word, Jimin stopped him,
"Stop talking Tae, you need to rest your throat."

Then Jimin looked at the person,
"Give us some time Daniel." He said and Daniel turned to intently stare at him before he sighed and left the room again.

"Tae, don't think about anything okay? Just sleep for some time, we'll talk when you feel better." Jimin said making Taehyung frown.

No he didn't want to rest.

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