Chapter 3: Eye Contact.

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"Eomma loves you, kookie"

"Kookie loves Eomma too."

"Eomma? Appa? WHERE ARE YOU?"

Jungkook shot up from the bed panting. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, all sleep lost to the nightmare that has been haunting him since the last 13 years. He looked down at his shaking hands and clasped them together to stop the action.

After calming his racing heart he looked at the clock on the wall, 5:27 it read.

"Wow, now that's a record." He said to himself chuckling as he pushed the blanket off his sweating body. He looked at his clothes that he was still wearing from last night. He sighed in frustration.

Yesterday after his annoying encounter with Yugyeom, he was in a bad mood. So his best friend Daniel had decided to take him out to refresh. And Daniel being the smart person he is decided that Jungkook's little refreshment should be done in a club. How smart.

Jungkook isn't a party person, he doesn't like crowded places or loud music so it was pretty normal that they stayed there for about 30 minutes until Jungkook decided to threaten Daniel to kill him and they had immediately left.

The whole way back home all Daniel heard was Jungkook making a plan about how he would cut off all parts of Daniel's body and throw them in different parts of Seoul.

"Be more creative Kook." Daniel had replied to which he had gotten a shoe thrown right at his face which made him almost bleed from his nose.

He had managed to drop a raging Jungkook home without getting killed successfully.

The loud noise and the crowd had drained Jungkook so much that he didn't even bother to change his clothes and just threw himself on the bed of his apartment as soon as he entered.

'He can be so annoying sometimes.' Jungkook thought as he removed his clothes, throwing them all over his room and went inside the shower to get started for a new day.


Jungkook entered the station and sat down on his table. His fingers tapped on the desk as he stared at his black computer screen lost in his thoughts.

"You okay kook?" Was the first thing he heard making him flinch. Upon realising who it was and recognising the voice he looked up at his hyung. He sighed as he stared at his hyung from whom he can never hide anything.

"I'm fine hyung i promise" Jungkook reassured Yoongi trying to sound convincing. But who was he kidding, this was his hyung who knows him inside out.

He just gave Jungkook a look,
"Great joke." Yoongi replied and kept the sandwich and banana milk he had bought for Jungkook on his table.

Knowing Jungkook for god knows how long, he knew for a fact Jungkook must have skipped his breakfast.

Jungkook picked up the sandwich and started eating it since he was indeed pretty hungry. It was pretty normal for him. Most days, his meals were bought by his hyung only.

He looked up at Yoongi who was still waiting for Jungkook's reply. He groaned at this,
"Oh god i told you am fine right? Leave me alone grumpy old man." Jungkook voice came muffled because of the sandwich in his mouth.

Yoongi had the urge to pinch those stuffed cheeks but calmed himself down not to be mad at his brother at this moment, he knows Jungkook was in a bad mood.

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