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“Wear this outfit during training,”Seokjin brings you a metal armor.


“You’re going to be there with Jungkook and Yoongi for a month at least,” he explains,” it’s better to take these metal armors for the training.”

“You didn’t had to bother you with these, sunbae.”

“I didn’t,” he denies,” the president’s order is to carry the mission with top most priority and you need to remember, Y/N…you’re a part of the council.” Seokjin’s reminder rings a bell in your head.

‘You big head bun! you’re cool as well!’ you always thought that the council is pretty cool and when Seokjin said you’re also a part of the council it makes you realize you’re cool as well.

A:no you’re not!

“Vamprel’s council expects you to train hard and do your best.”

“Don’t worry! I’ll do my best,senpai!”You exclaim with enthusiasm rushing through your veins.

“Huh?senpai?” ( ̄_ ̄|||)


You count your chances at running.

“Do I have a way of running away?”you ask Jimin. You guys are standing in front of a massive mansion. It’s as far as you’re told, Yoongi’s mansion.

“I’m afraid not,”he shrugs,”you’ll be killed if you try to run away from here.”


“Vamprel’s council has a rule, for all backstabbers to be killed.” Tae looks at you through his fake contacts.

“But why this place of all?”

“Because sunbae said he will teach you here.”Jimin smirks,”don’t be shy,Y/N,”he winks,” I’m sure you’ll appreciate this one month.” He laughs, an evil laughter. You and Tae stare at him.

‘What is he thinking?!’ (¬_¬")

“Well it can’t be helped,”you sigh.

“Hey!”Jungkook calls out.

You all turn to take a look, Jungkook and Yoongi have arrived.

“Care to help us with this luggage?!”he yells.

“Be right there!”Jimin runs to them. You pick up your suitcase but Tae takes it from you and grabs the handle,“Let me help.”

“Thank you,” you smile.


The workers and staff take your luggage. You feel giddy and sloppy for no reason.

“I’ll go and ask the chef to cook dinner for us, you two go and change,”Yoongi tells you guys and heads inside. You guys are at the gate.


“Yeah me and Tae are heading back!hehe!”Jimin laughs again.

‘Seriously?THE LAUGHTER!’

“But I can’t survive without you two….especially with these two-“

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?”Jungkook flicks your head. “Don’t worry,”Tae calms you patting on your shoulder,”they’re not allowed to kill you.”

“HAAA?”you whine. “Yeah you won’t die even if Yoongi sunbae is holding his sword and aiming at you.”

“Thanks Tae…that helped a lot,” you sob.

Jungkook rolls his eyes,“ Stupid.”

“SOOOO WE’LL VISIT YA WHEN YOU’RE DONE!BYEEE!”they go back to the cars and within the next minute they’re set off for Vamprel Academy.

“I hate them!”you mumble.

“We know you don’t, kitty,”he teases. “HMPH!”

“Come on we gotta change and be in time for dinner,” Jungkook heads to the mansion,”the sun’s almost up!”

“Oh! Okay!”you run up to catch to him,“I hope this month passes by real soon.”

“Keep hoping, it helps,”he whisper smirks as you both enter the building with gates closing behind you.


You’re given a room right next to Jungkook on the first floor. The mansion’s interior is mint. Almost a rough texture of seaweed green and mint color. You can realize this is Yoongi’s favorite color. (idk if it is in real life but in Vamprel it is)

You walk out of your room, wearing a blue vintage sleepwear robe. You tie your hair up in a bun.

“Let them down,”Jungkook butts in out of thin air.


“Let them down…they’d look better that way,”he looks away.

“I uh…”you get confused.

“I won’t!” you hmph him and stomp downstairs. He frowns. You’re still not over that day’s rudeness.

“What’s her problem?”Jungkook grits his teeth in annoyance and follows you.


“From tomorrow on we’ll be training in my backyard,”Yoongi initiates the conversation,“keep this necklace with you all the time.”

You nod, showing you understand.

“Sunbae is supposed to be in charge of teaching you basics since he has to deal with council work,”Jungkook takes a bite out of his half roasted Turkey leg,“and since we both have the same thing to cover, we’ll be together,”he smirks. You glare at him,“I don’t like the sound of this,”you doubt.

“I highly doubt why Namjoon believes you’ll be able to help us in this matter but I won’t take any sort of negligence regarding it,”Yoongi says, giving you a stern expression.

You know he’s cold as usual so you don’t find his harshness offensive this time.

“I’m aware,”you smile,“I won’t let you down.”

Yoongi stares at you for a sec, then he starts to laugh.


“You humans really take advantage of your determination, although it’s useless,”he gets up, walks to the door of the dining hall,”my mansion has only rule…don’t be loud and be ready by 7 pm.” He exits through the door, asking the maids to clean.

You blink in confusion.

“Pfft,”Jungkook laughs,”so typical of him.” You roll your eyes at him.

You can’t argue but agree.


Namjoon had changed the plans out of nowhere. He said he wanted a favor from you. It was basically you as the bait for whatever he had planned. And obviously you didn’t know whatever the plan was, it was only the training period for now.

You stretched your arms in the bed, staring at the ceiling as usual. You thought about your mom again. You had seen her in your dream last night. She was better than the last time you saw her.

“Mom…are you waiting for me?I’ll be there really soon,”you close your eyes, the room is so comfy that you’re feeling extremely sleepy,”I can’t wait to tell you about Vamprel and everything that happened here,” you almost drift off to sleep,“If I get to tell you.”


A/N: I’ll edit this story after completing it. I had to add this part somehow and I just did this, next chapter is one of my favorite ones!

Do leave your feedbacks+HEARTS+VOTES+ on my work and I’d appreciate any sort of genuine guidance in approving my work. You all are very kind and I’m grateful for it.

Thank you for making me believe in myself. Writing means a lot to me and your support is the main reason I didn’t give it up two years ago.


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