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A/N: I just wanted to tell that sometimes the author interrupts the reader's life...more like an inner voice or just a quacking duck.;)


"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT Y/N!YOU OVERSLEPT ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF CAMP!"Seulgi yells at you from the other side of the phone,making you go deaf for a second.

"I'm sorry...I promise I'd make it up to you guys after I reach there!"you apologize holding your left and biting your tongue.

"YAH!do you think it's that easy?...I'm gonna kill you the moment you reach here!"You can feel her spitting fire from the other side.

"Unnie...I'm sorry,"you whine,your eyes taking amoeba shape and filling with tears.

"I don't know what I'd do with you!"

"Forgive me, I guess...that would be nice,"you say in that innocent and sweet voice of your's.

"Whatever!just be fine and text me when you reach here,"she sounds a bit calmer.

"Oki doki...I would,bye~"you smile at her motherly attitude. You hear her groan from the other side.

"Bye!"she hangs up. You sigh in relief, stretching your back and smiling at the exciting adventure you're eager to face.

You were out for your first camp but you got late for it. You overslept accidentally.

Your mom woke you up and by then it was 9:00 am. You ran as fast as you could but you missed the bus...so now you're travelling in your personal car,it's your mom's.

Seulgi was just worried cause your mom had handed you over to her.

For some reason your mom is always a bit cautious about you heading out with friends. She never lets you go to any parties or any other gatherings. You were not allowed to date or hang out with guys. Bambam is an exception cause he's your mom's friend's son. You and Seulgi became friends in the first year of middle school.

Your mom is a bit strict but you know she's just worried for you. She had to raise you when your dad left.

He left without any trace. Your mom was only twenty-five years old back then. It's not like you guys were poor or anything, it's just that it was hard for her to be a single-mother. She had worked day and night to provide you with the best.

She achieved enough to bring you everything that you wanted. You never asked her about your father.You were always an understanding kid so you knew 'how to act happy'.

Well now,you're heading to Daegu for your summer camp, your head is beaming with excitement and nervousness. You wonder how you'll meet new people,make memories and maybe...find a guy whose hot and takes interest in you and somehow you both fall in love.

'That is what happens in movies,right?'you wonder to yourself.

Author:honey this is not a movie,it's real life!

You blush at these thoughts and bury your red face in your hands. You look at the time and it's almost 11:03am.

"Uh...uncle,when are we gonna get there?"you ask the driver,looking out the window.

"Probably in an hour,"the old man smiles at you through the rear mirror.

You nod in response and start looking at the scenery outside the window. Your car takes a left turn and things start to change.There is more mountainous area and population seems to be less as well.

You get a strange feeling in your stomach but you ignore it.You try ignoring the negative thoughts by thinking of the campus. Then you realize something that you don't remember the camp's name!.

Since your mom agreed yesterday,you didn't have any brochures. Seulgi texted you the location but didn't mention the name. Well,who cares...you'll get to know it after you reach there...but the view outside there tells you that the camp won't be as sunny as you thought. The sky's filled with clouds and it looks like it's about to rain pretty hard.

'He knows the right way Y/N!stop worrying even if there are less people and scary trees outside...summer camps are always in such areas.'

At the stroke of twelve a large mansion comes into your view. Your driver parks the car in front of the gate. As he unloads your luggage,you look at the huge mansions.

'They're beautiful,' you wonder as your eyes trace the sight of people. It's awkward but you don't see anybody. You try to contact Seulgi but sadly there's no reception.

'I'll make up to her when I'll meet her.'

"Here's your stuff,kido!"the driver hands you your luggage.

You take in a deep breath,letting it intrude your lungs and draining all the negative air out of them.

"Well then...I'd be leaving miss,have a nice camp!"The driver waves at you.

"THANK YOU!for dropping me,"you yell as he goes back to the car. You bow to show your respect. He leaves.

'ALRIGHT SUMMER CAMP!Here I come!'your inner self screams in excitement. You dance making your arms in wave-like motion and doing moon walk that seems broke. You stop all of a sudden,you look around to see if no one saw that. Gladly,no one did.

You grab your suit-case and your GUCCI hand-bag(you have a strange addiction to GUCCI).You take your first step heading to the place you've been waiting for.

"Welcome to Vamprel,"you read the large script written on the gate.

"Vamprel...that's a strange name,"you mumble to yourself as you enter the gate.



HI!To the one who's reading this. Do you like the first chapter?

I'd like to know..so please tell.

Q:So,do you guys think you AKA the reader or Y/N is going to enjoy her summer in a camp like she dreamed or does she even know the tragedy waiting for her?

This is a story I've been thinking of writing since last year.

Please share,comment,follow and correct(me). Even though I look shameless I don't care cause I'm extremely excited for BTS's next album. Love yourself;TEAR 😭😭

Best of luck to our guys. HWAITING!


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