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        You've been eager to face the next competition. It's a blind challenge. No one knows what they will face. Jimin mentioned that there have been tasks that ended up in bloodshed and contestants even lost their lives. You ponder of Dong Wook's words. When he told you to ask the members of the council about it.

        'What was that about?'

        You walk over to your balcony, the ball ended up in an unexpected way. You turn red the moment you remember what happened during your small dance with Yoongi. Your heart's been feeling a weird and unclear feeling since you woke up.


        You two sat on the roof, watching the dance progress. You glanced at him. He was silent.

        "Sunbae...I met Dong Wook,"you broke the silence.

        "Hmm...I know." 

        "Oh...I had something to ask you...he just said something and it's bothering me a bit." You turned to face him. 

        "I don't think the answer to that question can be given here..."Yoongi turned to face you. "If the time's right, I'll take you to the place where all your questions can be answered."

        You frowned looking at him but nodded with uncertainity.

Flashback ends

        'I did not expect that!' you place both of your palms on your respective cheeks and squeal in embarrassment. Your heart's in a daze again. It hurts when you're with Jungkook but right now, you don't feel that pain at all. You take in deep breaths to calm yourself. The weird and uncomfortable feeling grows.

        You see the sun setting, it's nearly time to go back to the academy. The academies that were disqualified are leaving. While you wonder where Dong Wook might be. It's useless to think that anyhow. You go downstairs, the members are all gathering at the dinning table for breakfast.

        "It's going to be an exciting day today!" You hear Jimin getting all excited.

        "I hope you don't get killed, Y/N,"he smirks turning to face you as you enter through the door.

        You roll your eyes. "I won't, don't worry about me."

        "Hah! if you're in danger all you need is to call me over, my lady,"he bows. You hit his head playfully. "Stop that."

        "Hahaha,"he laughs jumping into the seat next to you. You sense him smirking at you.

        "What is it, Jimin?"you ask.

        "You came back early yesterday with, Jungkook,"he grins. "What happened?"

        You sway your head in denial. "I can't believe you call yourself a genius,"you flick his forehead. 

        "Ouch! no seriously what happened?"he asks. You frown at him. "Nothing."

        "Ugh! Y/N! don't hide things from me!"

        "I'm not!"

        "Come on! WOVAMP!"

        "DON'T WOVAMP ME-"

        "I got rejected by, her highness." A very tardy and dull looking Jungkook joins you guys at the table. You and Jimin stop arguing and turn towards him. "That's what happened, I asked, Y/ take me to the dorms and fell asleep cause I was too drunk."

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