Danger Night

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! I was thinking today about how Sherlock has Danger Nights, and I realized that after everything that happened during S4 John would probably have Danger Nights too. So that's what this is. SMUT WARNING!!!! Enjoy<3

They were in the middle of dinner when John's phone rang.

He left the table to answer, leaving Sherlock to try and get little Rosie to eat her smashed peas. He wasn't gone that long, and Sherlock tried his best to contain the mess, but by the time he returned, there was green smudged everywhere.

Sherlock was grinning when he looked up at his boyfriend, laughing about Rosie's attempts at pouting. The joy left him as soon as his eyes met John's. They were dark and sad, his posture pulled tight. Sherlock stood, wiping the peas from his fingers and stepping slightly closer to the tense man.

"What's happened?" He whispered, not touching John, but letting him know that he was there if needed. John cleared his throat, wiping his nose and shrugging his shoulders. He looked at Sherlock, eyes wide and glassy.

"That was Harry." His voice was rough, but not in the way Sherlock liked hearing it. "She uh, she had some news." Sherlock's mind raced, trying to guess what happened to John's alcoholic sister this time. It had to be bad, it took a lot to rattle John like this.

"Do I need to call in favor from Mycroft?" John shook his head, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes tightly and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"M-My dad- my dad died." His voice wavered as his spoke, breaking Sherlock's heart. The detective watched as the man he loved struggled with his emotions. Sherlock didn't know a lot about John's past, but what he had been able to deduce wasn't pleasant. "I-I don't- I need-" John sighed, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Go take a hot shower, I will clean up out here." Sherlock offered, timidly reaching to touch John's cheek. He felt his boyfriend shy away from the contact at first, but the shorter man sighed and seemed to force himself to lean into the touch.

"Thank you." Sherlock smiled, fighting the urge to hug his lover. John clearly didn't want to be touched. He always got like that after talking about his father. That's what led Sherlock to believe that he had been abused.

Once John left, Sherlock pulled out his phone, sending a quick text before turning back to get Rosie cleaned up and ready.

Greg? – SH

You used my real name – GL

What's wrong? – GL

I need a favor – SH

What? – GL

John just got some upsetting news. Could you possibly take Rosie for the night? – SH

What about Mrs. Hudson or Molly? – GL

Molly has a date and Mrs. Hudson is out of town – SH

Please – SH

Alright. I can be there in 15 – GL

Thank you, Greg – SH

Sherlock finished clearing the table and started packing Rosie's overnight bag. It wasn't the first time Gavin had taken her for the night, and she always loved it there. He made sure her nappy was clean and she had extra snacks and anything else she would need. He was just finishing up getting her ready when John finished his shower.

"What's going on? We got a case?" Sherlock spun around, his breath catching when his eyes landed on his lover, still dripping from the shower. He was wearing nothing but a towel tied low over his waist.

Johnlock One Shots.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang