Happy Easter

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate it...to those of you who don't...Happy (Insert whatever holiday equals Easter in your faith) or if you don't celebrate any holiday...Happy Un-Birthday!!! (unless it is your birthday (April 16, 2017) then in that case Happy Birthday!!) Now that that is out of the way lol...here is a super cute, fluffy fic for you all!! Enjoy<3

"Sherlock, why exactly have you dragged us out this early in the morning" John grumbled, trying to calm the crying child next to him.

"You will see John, it will all make sense soon." The detective had been very cryptic all morning, never really answering John's questions. Rosie was miserable, crying the entire trip.


"Just trust me John." The blogger sighed, settling back for the car ride.

It was a long drive, and when they finally pulled to a stop, John was no less confused then before. Sherlock unbuckled Rosie and lifted her from the car, taking John's hand and leading them along a path covered by an archway of trees.


"Yes Love?"

"Where are we?" John asked, admiring the scenery as they walked.

"My family's summer home." John stopped, gawking at his boyfriend. "You were talking last week about how you wished you could give Rosie a proper Easter with family, so I decided to give you both one." John felt his heart swell at the soft blush that took over Sherlock's cheeks.


"Well hello there!" The men turned to see Sherlock's mother practically running down the path. "I thought I heard talking. Come here you! I want to see little Rosie!" Sherlock set Rosie down and the child ran into the arms of Mrs. Holmes.

"Hello Mother." Mrs. Holmes straightened and pulled Sherlock in for a tight hug. She turned to John next, smiling brightly at him and wrapping him in her arms.

"How are my boys? You look utterly exhausted John, lets get to the house and I will make you some tea. What time did Sherlock have you up this morning?"

"Far too early."

"Oh, well I hope he let you get a bit of sleep last night at least. I can imagine he likes to keep you up rather late after little Rosie goes to sleep eh?" John blushed as she winked and patted his cheek.


"Oh, hush William. We are all adults here." She tutted and took Rosie's hand, leading the excited child to the house. John grabbed Sherlock's elbow and spun him to face him, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips.

"Thank you." He whispered, smiling up at the man he loved so much.

"Anything to make you happy."

"Let's go see what your mother has planned, eh William?"

"Of course, Hamish."

"Don't call me Hamish."

"Then don't call me William." John giggled, kissing Sherlock again before taking his hand and leading him towards the house.

The Holmes parents had set up a lovely breakfast out on their patio, setting up under a massive apple tree. Rosie was running around the yard, giggling as Greg chased her. Sherlock had somehow managed to convince Mycroft and Lestrade to join them, effectively bringing together the entire Holmes family.

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