The Intervention

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! StiffPansycake requested this one a while ago and I finally finished it!! Enjoy<3

Mycroft swung open the door to his flat, tossing his keys on the small table by the door and setting his briefcase on the floor.

"Honey, you're home." He heard Greg call from the sitting room. "You have company."

"Company?" He followed the sound of his lover's voice, walking into the sitting room. When he caught sight of who was sitting in his favorite armchair, he felt his stomach tighten in fear.

"Hello Mr. Holmes. Did you miss me?"

"Not in the slightest."

"Oh, that hurts. Must you wound me so?"

"What do you want Moriarty?" The snarky man grinned, twirling one of Mycroft's favorite pens in his fingers. He risked a glance towards Greg, finding the man sitting in his own chair, looking incredibly tense. He had his gun out of its holster, resting on the arm of the chair.

"A few of us have some, concerns."

"Concerns about what?"

"The Detective and his Doctor." Mycroft felt his pulse increase at the mention of his younger brother.

"What about them?"

"You might want to sit for this Love." Greg piped up, earning a glare from Moriarty. Mycroft followed the instruction, sitting on the sofa, as close to Greg as he could get.

"You, Mr. Holmes, are going to help us play cupid."

John was walking home from the store when his phone went off.

Dr. Watson – JM

Long time, no see – JM

Who is this? – JW

Did you miss me? – JM

John felt a cold flash of fear pass through his gut.

Get in the car Dr. Watson – JM

Sherlock needs you – JM

An intimidating black car pulled up beside him, the door swinging open. He glanced around before climbing in, wishing he had his gun.

Sherlock was at Baker Street, waiting for John to get home from the shops, when the ever-familiar ringtone of Irene Adler came from his cell.

Hello Gorgeous – IA

I know you probably won't respond, but a friend of mine has a message for you – IA

He ignored her texts, as he always did. The next one he received was a video message.

The thumbnail was John.

A sense of panic gripped him as he clicked on the file.

He saw John, shifting nervously in the back of what looked like a Town-car. He looked concerned and terrified.

"Sherlock." A familiar, terrifying voice filled the speakers. "Did you miss me?"

"No." He whispered, struggling to breathe.

"Oh yes. I have your blogger!" Moriarty sang, sending a chill down Sherlock's spine. "You had better hurry, I'm bored and John looks downright enticing in that blue shirt." The video cut out, leaving the detective on the verge of hyperventilating.

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