Wholock #1

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A/N This is just some fun babbles of what it would be like if John were The Doctor and Sherlock were his companion. I saw a list that had Martin Freeman as the number one choice for a Doctor regeneration and I fell in love with the idea. Enjoy!! <3

Sherlock was pressed against a wall, trying to control his breathing.

"Mr. Holmes, where are you?" The melodic voice echoed through the near empty halls, causing Sherlock's heart to jump. "Come out; come out where ever you are!" He scanned the room, desperately searching for a way out. The only thing he saw was a ratty old police box, buried in the corner. Hopefully it was empty, because that was his only option. He ran over to the box and pushed on the door, panic setting in when it wouldn't budge. He desperately reached into his pocket to grab his tool kit, throwing desperate looks back towards the hall. He kneeled before the door and started to try and unlock the door, only to find that his tools were not working.

"Mr. Holmes?" That voice was getting closer, now accompanied by footsteps echoing off the walls. Sherlock tried to force the door open once more, still kneeling in front of the blue box. Maybe he could talk his way out of this, though he wasn't sure his pursuer was really interested in hearing him talk. He rested his head against the cold, unforgiving wood of the box. He was shocked back to reality when the box started to hum, vibrating beneath his weight. He threw himself back, landing rather undignified on his backside. The whole box was lit up from within, a soft blue light emanating from the white windows.

"What the-"

"Oh she likes you." A new voice appeared behind the detective, causing him to spin around. The man that stood over him was smirking down at him, looking confident and brave. Sherlock tried to deduce the man but couldn't get anything from him, distracted by the angle he was looking at him from. "Well?"

"W-well-" He couldn't make his voice stop trembling.

"Well we can't just stay here. Not with that Succubus on your tail." The man grabbed Sherlock's hand and hauled him to his feet. He wasn't as tall as Sherlock had initially thought, standing a solid three inches shorter than him. His grey hair was slicked back with product, making him look dignified and intelligent. He smelled like pine and suede, and something unidentifiable. Sherlock rather enjoyed the scent. The man flashed Sherlock a quick smile and reached for the door of the box.

"It's locked." The man glanced back at the detective and raised an eyebrow. He scanned Sherlock, eyes travelling from his head to his feet.

"Oh no Mr. Holmes, she would never lock me out." He pushed on the door, shock filling his eyes when the door refused to budge. He turned and glared at the box, shaking the door and cursing. Both of them froze when a voice cut through the air.

"There you are Mr. Holmes. And I see you found a friend." Sherlock turned to see the creature that stood before them. Standing at nearly seven feet tall, the feminine creature appeared to hover above the floor, her sheer robes flowing behind her. Everything about her defied everything Sherlock thought he knew. His mind hurt seeing her standing there.

"What, pray tell, do you want with him?" The strange man spoke, spinning around and stepping confidently towards the woman. He pulled a strange looking device out of his pocket and pointing it at the woman. He pressed a button on the device and it made an irritating sound. It was some kind of sonic technology; that much Sherlock could tell. But what it did he couldn't even begin to guess. He stopped the sound and looked at the device as though he was reading it. "I mean I can understand why you would choose him, he is gorgeous." Sherlock felt his cheeks heat up at the complement. "But what is so special about this man that you would travel across the galaxy to try and take him?" The man was mere inches from the being now, though he didn't appear to be afraid.

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