First Impressions

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! sociopath_at_221b requested this Pilot-Verse story so here it is!!! It's super fluffy so prepare for all the fluffiness!!!! Enjoy<3 

John was pulled out of sleep by the sound of a violin. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around the room in confusion. Sherlock had come to bed with him, he knew that much. He listened to the song that was being played, recognizing the now familiar melody. Sherlock was playing the song he wrote for John. He threw his legs over the bed and stood, throwing on his housecoat and silently making his way to the sitting room. He saw his boyfriend standing by the window, swaying gently to the music coming from his violin. He sat in his chair, watching the thin man as he played. He closed his eyes and listened to the music, hearing the story Sherlock played with the notes.

It was the story of how they met.

Sherlock played for a long while, almost lulling John to sleep in his chair. When he finally stopped, he placed his violin on the desk and stared out the window, seemingly lost in thought. John stood, walking up behind the man he loved and wrapping his arms around his waist. Sherlock hummed and leaned back into his embrace, tilting his head slightly so John could place soft kisses to the side of his neck.

"What's wrong Love?" John whispered between kisses.

"I was thinking about the first time we met."

"Hmm, that was an interesting day."

"Do you remember what you first thought of me?"

"I could never forget."

"What was your first impression of me?"

"Well, I thought you were the strangest, most interesting, gorgeous human being I had ever met. I knew right then you belonged in my bed."

"No, you didn't." John chuckled against the pale skin, taking a moment to just hold his lover before responding.

"It's true. I swear it. I wanted you from the beginning." Sherlock was chuckling now, and John could almost see the blush creeping up his face. "You and your damned purple shirt, and your charming deductions, and your 'I think I left my riding crop in the morgue.'" He spun Sherlock to face him, grinning up at his lover. "I'm telling you, Sherlock Holmes, you, are the hottest guy I've ever hit on in a computer lab."

"How many guys have you hit on in computer labs?"

"Including you? Just one." John winked and leaned up, kissing Sherlock gently. "What did you think of me?"

"You know what I thought of you."

"No, I know what you noticed about me, not what you thought of me." Sherlock sighed and attempted to distract the doctor with a kiss. It would have worked, but now John wanted to know. "Come on, I told you what I thought of you."

"Fine. I thought you were the most amazing, beautiful, sad man I had ever met, and I wanted nothing more than to save you from yourself." Sherlock's voice was soft and shaky, and John could feel him tremble in his arms. He hugged the detective tightly, tucking his face in the crook of Sherlock's neck.

"Well, you certainly managed to do that." He whispered, placing gentle kisses along the sharp jawline of his lover. "I love you Sherlock."

"I love you too John." They were silent for a long while, Sherlock humming occasionally as John kissed exactly the right spot. "Marry me." Sherlock's words shot through John, causing him to stop kissing Sherlock's pale throat. He pulled back, gawking up at his lover and trying to process those two simple words.


"I realize that most people would have made a huge romantic gesture, with candles and flowers and whatnot, and I honestly planned on doing all of that, but the moment seemed right and I couldn't stop myself-" John cut him off with a deep, firm kiss. His head was spinning and he could feel his pulse increase. He pulled away from Sherlock and grinned up at him, feeling tears in his eyes as he watched Sherlock's face break out in a huge smile. "Can I take that as a yes?"

"God yes, Sherlock. It's perfect, you're perfect. Yes." He kissed his new fiancé again, tears finally slipping along his cheeks. "I love you so much." He mumbled against the lips of the detective, feeling him grin into the kiss.

"I love you too. We're getting married John."

"I know, are you excited?" Sherlock nodded, worrying at his bottom lip. "What's wrong Love?"

"I-I don't know what to wear." John laughed and hugged his fiancé tightly, leave it to Sherlock to worry about what to wear already.

"Maybe that purple shirt I love so much."

"Don't be ridiculous John, it will be a long day and it would be good if you could make it more than a few hours before-"

"I get it. We have lots of time to plan. Now, will you please come back to bed? I'm tired and want to cuddle my fiancé."

"Fine." Sherlock let John lead him back to bed, climbing under the covers and snuggling against John's back, wrapping him tightly in his lanky arms. John was about to fall asleep when he was woken by Sherlock's voice in his ear.



"How do you feel about purple Calla Lilies for the flowers?" John groaned and buried his face in Sherlock's elbow.

This was going to be interesting.

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