Snowed In

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! This is a cute, silly, slightly smutty one for you guys!!! This is how I cope with bad headspace days...I write silly little fics lol...SMUT WARNING!!!! Enjoy<3

**Check out my new oneshot books!! I have a Mystrade one now and and FreeBatch one!!! Find them under my profile!!!**

"Well, that's that then." John stated as he hung up his phone. "No cabs are running and they have shut down the roads. Looks like we're stuck here boys." They had gone out to the Holmes family's cabin for dinner, and wound up getting hit with a heavy snowfall. They were completely snowed in. Sherlock let out a whine, but the sound was quickly stopped by a swat from his mother.

"Now, now, no need to whine. There is lots of room here for you boys, and I'll even get your father to start a fire." She puttered off, mumbling to herself about everything she had to get ready for the boys. John threw a cheeky grin at Greg, who was busy trying to talk Mycroft down, and stepped closer to his own husband, catching the taller man by the elbow and spinning him around for a kiss. Sherlock looked slightly stunned by the action, blinking down at John while a light blush tinted his cheeks.

"Hey." John grinned up at the beautiful man he loved so much, pulling a soft smile from Sherlock's lips.

"Hi." John had made it a habit, whenever he noticed Sherlock getting a little too anxious, to ground the taller man with a kiss. It was simple, but effective, and it gave John yet another reason to kiss his husband.

"I love you."

"I love you too." John leaned up and kissed Sherlock again, feeling the tension in the detective's shoulders fading away. He wrapped his arm around Sherlock's waist and help him close to his side, watching Greg and Mycroft chatting quietly in the corner. The DI and Mycroft had gotten married just a few months after John and Sherlock, surprising everyone. No one had even known that the pair were together.

"So, what do you guys want to do tonight?" John asked, hoping that the Holmes brothers would cooperate and not bicker all night. Greg shrugged, looking at his husband uncertainly. "How about we play a drinking game?" Mycroft immediately objected, which in turn made Sherlock agree, just to spite his sibling. "Alright then, drinking game it is!" John clapped his hands, grinning mischievously. It had been years since he had played a drinking game, but he used to be very good.

Greg went off to try to find something they could use as shots, while Sherlock and John readied the sitting room for the game, lighting the fire and creating a nest of blankets surrounding the hearth. Mycroft complained the entire time.

"Good news, looks like our in-laws have a wild streak. I found tequila!" Greg crowed, walking back into the sitting room. John cheered the discovery, pointing to the small table they had placed in the centre of the pile of blankets. "What are we going to play?"

"How about 'Never Have I Ever'?" John suggested, laughing at the confused looks the Holmes brothers sent him. "It's really easy. Basically, someone says 'never have I ever;' then something that they have or haven't done. If you've done that thing, you have to drink." John explained while he set up the drinks. "Here, Greg and I will show you." Greg knelt beside John and grabbed one of the shot glasses.

"Never have I ever; been to America." John grabbed his glass and downed his shot, wincing as the liquid burned his throat. "See? I haven't been there, but John has, so he had to drink."

"This sounds like a stupid game." Mycroft griped, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

"Hey, it's either this or 'Truth or Dare'. If you would rather play that I feel like I must warn you, that your first dare will be to snog Sherlock for thirty seconds." Greg threatened, the firmness of his threat softened by the hysterical laughter that followed at the looks of disgust that the brothers sent him.

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