Irene Adler

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!! Sorry this update took so long....its been a weird couple of days....Anywho...StiffPansycake requested this one :) Enjoy<3 

Hey, where are you? – JW

Out – SH

I figured that – JW

What are you doing? – JW

Shopping – SH

You? Shopping? – JW

Yes John, I am shopping – SH

Did you need something? – SH

No, just wondered. Do you want some company? – JW

I'm kind of bored – JW

I have company – SH

Who? – JW

Irene – SH

Irene again? I thought you said she was going to Rome on business? – JW

She got back yesterday – SH

I've g2g, she needs some help zipping a dress – SH

"You know, it would be easier if you would just tell him how you feel." Sherlock rolled his eyes, fighting with the zip on Irene's dress.

"I told you Irene, I need to be certain that he feels the same before I tell him anything-"

"You know, for someone that claims to be a sociopath, you really can't handle rejection, can you?"

"Shut up and turn around." Irene laughed as she spun, striking a pose so Sherlock could judge her. "Not that one, it's the wrong color and the fit is weird. Try the silver one I picked out." He unzipped the dress and sent her back into the room, blushing as she giggled.

"It really is handy having a gay friend when you need to find a cocktail dress."

"I'm sure it is. Couldn't your girlfriend help you with this?"

"She is biased, she thinks everything looks good on me." Sherlock sat on the bench outside the door, threading his fingers in his hair and tugging, growling in frustration. He had asked Irene for relationship advice about a month ago, hoping to get some idea about how to convince John to date him.

"We need a new plan Irene. John has barely mentioned my meeting with you, I don't think he is getting jealous. Am I doing something wrong? Are you certain he has feelings for me?"

"Yes, I know when someone is attracted to a person Sherlock, its kind of my job." Irene spun out of the change room, letting Sherlock zip the back before checking herself out in the mirror. "You really do have a good eye."

"Not that one either."

"What's wrong with this one?"

"It makes your butt look flat."

"Well I rather like this one. I can always pad-"

"Put the black and silver one on again. I think that one is the best." Irene rolled her eyes and returned to the dressing room, slipping into the requested dress as Sherlock returned to his spot on the bench. "If I were to tell John, how would I go about it?"

"Just tell him how you feel, use your words."

"What words? What if I say something wrong and just upset him?" Sherlock caught sight of Irene's legs in front of him and glanced up at her. She smiled softly, reaching for his hand and pulling him to his feet. She pulled him down and pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving a perfect pair of lips on the pale skin. "What if he doesn't want me?" Sherlock whispered, feeling lost and overwhelmed. Irene pulled him in for a hug and Sherlock felt himself start to calm down.

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