59 ; KIBA

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Kingdom filming was finally over, and so was the day. My feet were hurting and so was my will to live. I had talked to so many people, and my social battery was near to non-existent. I was finally happy to be back in the van and driving back to the JYP building. My manager told me before we left that the movie company had emailed with more details, so I was very excited to see what they said.

As soon as we got back, I was pulled into Manager-nims office. I was handed his phone and he told me to read through the email myself to get a better understanding of it.

'In regard to 'Rurouni Kenshin'

We have been deciding whether to contact you for the last few weeks in regard to one of your artists auditioning for a role in our Movie Franchise 'Rurouni Kenshin'. 

Your artist Kiba has all the qualities we are looking for in our main antagonist 'Enishi', and we have decided to ask whether he will have the time and schedule to fly to Japan on the 20th of February to audition with us. Although we know he has no experience in acting, we are determined to teach him and create an amazing actor out of him!

There is a second file attached to this email to tell you more about our previous movies, our company, the schedule we have for Kiba if he decides to audition, and of course the Character he will play. 

Please get back to us if he accepts the audition, and we can send the script to him!

Thank you.'

I nodded along to the email as I read it, and I was a bit worried about the schedule. If I still have about 3 weeks till the next kingdom performance, then I'll be flying to Japan a few days after the performance. I will probably have to miss out of the other performances if I can't make it back in time to practise and perform. The director of the movie will most likely want me to stay in Japan for lessons on acting...

"So, before I fly to Japan, I'll only be able to do the Mayfly performance, then I'll miss the rest." I confirmed with my manager.

"Yes, that's the only performance you'll have time to do." He nodded and I sat down to think.

Kingdom has been such a great opportunity, but this movie is a one and a lifetime thing. Also, the advice San gave me today really stuck into my head. 'It could open new doors for you.' I believed that. I could add actor into my occupation, as well as producer, songwriter, performer. Not only that but it's a Japanese movie.

"Okay, I'll audition so you can email them back and I can read through the script before the audition." I said confidently, and Manager-nim was smiling big before he nodded, I think he was proud of me.

"Okay. Practise your Japanese and watch the other movies!" He shouted as I stood up to leave his office room. I laughed but it was great advice so I decided instead of going to the practise room, I would get a taxi home to the dorms and watch the movies.

"WAIT KIBA!" I turned in Seungmin's direction and he was running towards me, both of us still wearing the pink sports clothing.

"What's up?" I asked and we walked outside the building together, and I got my phone out to call a taxi.

"Can we walk back together?" He asked and I put my phone back in my pocket and we started a slow walk back to the dorms, "What did the manager say?" 

"Oh, he had an email from the movie company." I shrugged.

"Okay, and what did it say idiot?" Seungmin asked, a bright smile on his face, I guess he was super interested in what was happening.

"Stuff about my character. They want me to play the main antagonist." I told him happily, "And the schedule and stuff."

"The main antagonist." Seungmin was in awe, his mouth open a little bit as he looked at me, "I didn't think you had it in you to be honest."

"I mean I don't think I do either, I've never acted before." I laughed, "But I guess they'll decided if I'm good enough when I audition."

"When is it?" He asked, and the mood of our conversation got a little sadder, and quiet.

"In about 4 weeks' time. The Mayfly performance is my last one for Kingdom." I told him, and I took a chance to look at his expression, and he was kind of straight faced, but there was a little sparkle in his eye as he turned to look back at me.

"So, I only have 3 weeks left with you roughly then." He whispered out and I smiled sadly.

"I'm afraid so." I said, "But don't worry, we'll be together like every day since we both need to practise with whoever is in the vocal unit for Mayfly."

"Mmmh." He hummed out sadly, and I sighed. I had never seen Seungmin so down over not seeing someone for a long time. He wasn't like this when Hyunjin went home to focus on the scandal.

I grabbed his pinkie and held it with my own as we quietly walked out the streets, hoping dispatch wasn't around but it's not like they haven't seen us hold hands before. No dating scandals around here. We walked mainly in silence, and I think Seungmin was thinking a lot. I felt like I needed to reassure him.

"I'll be flying back as soon as I can." I said to him, and he nodded.

"It's not going to be the same without you." He said back, a sad smile painting his face.

"I'm not going anywhere. I bet in my spare time I'll be writing music for our next comeback." I joked and Seungmin smiled.

We eventually got back to our dorms, and we parted ways so we could both shower after running around all day for Kingdom. I waited for manager-nim to forward the email to me so I could read more about the character I was playing, and I also decided to start watching the movies after I dried my hair. 

Seungmin somehow found his way in between my arms during the 2nd movie, and we watched it together in a comfortable silence.

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