4 ; KIBA

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"So in our group, we're split into 3 separate groups." Chan explained as the others got back into practising, "3RACHA is the producing, writing team and rap team made up of me, Han and Changbin."

"I write. Does that mean I can be one of 3RACHA even if it's not the 3 of you anymore?" I asked.

"Sure. I don't think Stays would mind. You also have DanceRACHA, the main 3 dancers are Minho, Felix and Hyunjin. That leaves Seungmin and I.N as the vocal line." Chan explained and I smiled as Minho slapped Changbin's ass as they danced.

"That's cool. I mean, I think my weakness is probably dance more than anything." I explained. 

Looking at the group as they danced to one of their songs, the dance looked busy and complicated but at the same time, each member knew the moves to the point every move looked clean and precise. I would have to try my hardest to move as well as the rest of them but I was determined.

It was probably the first time in a while I had felt some sort of pressure to make others proud of me, or at least like me. I had lost this sort of passion in the last few months - I found it super difficult to perform well under a lot of pressure and because I had grown super tired of trying my best for people who didn't put in the same effort.

"Don't worry, Minho is a great teacher. He'll lead you in the right direction." Chan said with a proud smile.

"About the new song, I was already thinking of some lines. I was wondering if you wanted me to write them down for you or?" 

Chan turned in my direction with his eyebrows raised in surprise, "Already? I mean, write them on your phone and 3RACHA usually get together every few days to work on songs. My office is a few floors above."

I nodded and followed his instructions, I got my phone out and placed a few sentences in my notes to remember them for tomorrow. I frowned, was that my song? I looked up and Hyunjin was smiling down at me, bouncing on his toes to the hard beat of my rap song. I smiled as the others 'OHHH'ED' at the fast lyrics of the song.

I got up, I wish I had wore something more comfortable, something I could move around in a lot better. I took of my hat, and removed the black Tech Wear vest so I was just left in my black pants and black jumper. I started to bounce around and get comfortable as the others followed my lead. As the beat stopped and started, I moved to the rhythm and did the little break dance that was in the music video.

The room grew very loud as we danced to the end of the song. So far, the group of boys had made a bigger impression on me in a day than anyone had ever. I was expecting awkwardness and some resentment, but I had been welcomed like a brother who was missing for some time. I didn't really know what I was expecting, but I felt safe here.

Maybe it was time to tone down the rudeness and let go of my past to live a happy future with my new group. Perhaps it was time to stop being a troublemaker, and focus on making the boys happy and let them peacefully live their passions. As long as I am treated with respect, all with go smoothly.


I was finally back home, my small flat seemed even smaller after leaving the JYP building. I was told the boys had dorms not far from the building, and I would eventually move into my own room. I wouldn't have a roommate but management explained that roommates always changed every few months to make things fair and to help the boys to know each other better. 

Before I left, I also exchanged numbers with each of the boys. Changbin had already messaged me a few times, and I tried my best to not be as dry as possible but I wasn't used to being messaged a lot. At least not by friends.

I looked through my social media - I was told Stray Kids only uses one account but I was allowed to keep my separate one if I wanted, although it was required I post as much as possible on the joint account. I was used to being told how much to post, and what I can and cant do, but this was reasonable.

Before leaving, JYP pulled me aside and told me how he would release a statement about me joining as a ninth member, and that would be followed by my own statement which he wanted me to write. I agreed of course, there only one group of people I would never disrespect, and that consisted of the people who support me.  I know I haven't been the best Idol, and so I respect the people who still watch me and listen to my music.

To be fair, respect goes a long way in Korea. It would probably be the reason why 68% of my listeners are more from the west. I didn't mind it of course, I still had massive amounts of respect for my Korean listeners. I started typing out a draft on my phone.

'This is KIBA.

I was a solo artist. I wrote my own songs. I have been through a lot, and I dealt with it all alone. I have been let down a lot, so I know how it feels, and I wont let STAYS be put through it. 

I have agreed to become the ninth member of Stray Kids. I apologise in advance as the change will be difficult for me to get used to. I have never had to work in a team before, but I promise to work with the upmost respect for my peers, and to treat them with all the care in the world. I hope you don't let my past actions speak for my now actions. I have care for all of the boys, and truly look forward to making masterpieces with them, and hopefully touring with them in the near future.

The members and production team involving Stray Kids have my best interest at heart, and I will do anything to prove I am worthy of all their hard work as artists and all their love as their brother.

This was KIBA.'

Its a start anyhow. I put my phone down took of all my clothes and got into comfy clothes for bed. It wasn't that late but I have to be up at 9 in the morning to join Chan, Han and Changbin to write and make some lyrics for the new song. I walked into my small kitchen, made some quick ramen, and sat to make some lyrics.

I texted Chan to send me the instrumental, and I listened to it, mumbling some of my lyrics to the beat to fit it in correctly. I smiled as I mumbled some more, it was sounding good already. I was, for the first time in a while, excited to get in the studio and work with people to make some music. 

As I finished my ramen, I climbed into bed and read from a few articles about Stray Kids. I took it upon myself to watch some old interviews they did, and get to know them better. Eventually, I would end up living with them day to day so I think the least I could do is get to know them better to not be a rotten roommate.

Ugh, who knew I was such a people pleaser?

KIBA ; STRAY KIDSWhere stories live. Discover now