~~ 23. ~~

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*.... It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other people's lives have we been in? Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died? Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it. - ONE TREE HILL

Day 17

Demilade went to knock on Lola's door at dawn after preparing for work. He couldn't sleep. And he felt tired but the weight of what he said last night was still in his heart. And he doesn't think he will be at peace if he did not apologize.

"Lola. Lola. It's me." He said at the door. It's been quite some time since he had been knocking and he hadn't heard any sound from the room.

He didn't blame her and he did not expect to be forgiven immediately.

"I'm very sorry for what I said. I'm sorry. It was bad for me. I'm sorry. Please don't be angry." He said.

But there was no reply.

He sucked his lower lips in, biting them with his teeth. He sighed as he tapped one of his feet on the floor hoping she would say something.

He stood there for quite some time until it was time for him to leave for work. He then walked away reluctantly.

Lola was woken by the knock coming from her door. And it didn't really surprise her when she heard Demilade voice. He had come apologizing but this is different. He can't come and feign he was sorry. And his words hurt more than ever.

He should not expect forgiveness any time soon.

Although it surprised her that he had stood for more than fifteen minutes apologizing. She had sat up on her bed with her head on her head rest waiting for him to leave. But he didn't leave after his usual first line of apology.

Last night after much thinking, she decided to stay. She won't leave. She has just two weeks left in Demilade mansion. She had already spent more than two weeks in his house and she had endured the boredom, the pain of leaving her family and his pride and arrogant attitude.

Two weeks more won't make a difference. She made the deal because of the money. Her family are depending on it. Her father will be free from his guilt when she goes back to school. He will be free from debts and his mother's hospital bill with the money after the deal. She just has to swallow her pride and remain humble. She will remain patient until the last day and she will leave Demilade life's.

She just had to keep her distance and close her ears and eyes to his insult and pride.


"Sir, Mr Shobawale is here," Uche said through the intercom.

"Let him in," Demilade said and he continued scrolling with his eyes fixed on the desktop in front of him.

"Demilade. Good morning." Bayo greeted as he approached his desk.

"Morning Bayo. Please give me some minutes to finish this thing I am doing." Demilade said without taking his eyes off the computer.

"Okay." He said and he took a seat in front of him putting the bag with him on the table.

He opened the bag bringing out some files and his laptop while he waited for his friend to finish what he was doing.

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