~~ 16. ~~

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*.... we all need a little help sometimes- someone to help us hear the music in their world, to remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there. And that someone will find you... - ONE TREE HILL*

Day 10

Wednesday was the same for Lola. Just the normal routine of sleeping, waking, eating, chatting, talking and watching movies.

But she was not able to chat with her friends after breakfast. Most of them were not online. She was tired of watching movies. She had watched a movie till almost dawn.

Deborah had gone to gods-knows-where. And she is all alone in the house. She later went down to meet Jubril at the gate. He was playing ludo with the two security men.

She asked if she could join them and they let her joyfully - and with a little bit of surprise. They sat playing Ludo for hours until Deborah returned. She followed Deborah inside the house and they talked for a while. They ate lunch together. But Deborah had to go and rest before coming back to the mansion to prepare Demilade dinner.

Lola went back to her room, too bored to do anything. She had some money with her but she don't know what to buy. She had enough clothes and shoes that Demilade practically bought for her. There was any type of food she want to eat in the kitchen. And there are snacks. Loads of them.

Demilade personal fridge is stacked with different snacks including chocolate. And she doesn't need any damn permission from him to take anything from it.

So what more does she wants to buy? Now she knows why rich people waste their money to buy expensive cars, wristwatches, Jewelries and travel around the world because they already had it all. And they were people who barely had enough to eat.

She later turned on the TV and watched After. She was watching it for the third time. And when she was finished with it, she change the movie to Last Ship season three. She was glad she was able to watch any movies she like in the house. That is one of the things she likes about the house. She can watch any movie even on Netflix for free due to the WiFi in the house.

She even downloaded some to her phone and send them to her brother and her friends.

She was still watching Last Ship when her phone rang. It was her brother. She paused the movie. And then she ended the call and called him back and he answered on the first ring.

"Hello, sis." He said.

"Hi, baby brother. How are you doing? How was school?" She asked.

"School is boring sister. But I am fine." He answered.

"How are the twins? Are they back from school? Have they eaten?"

"Look as you are sounding like they are your children." Her brother said teasingly.

"They are my children. My firstborns. So leave us." Lola said. "So how are they? Are they there with you?"

"No. I am on my way to Feyi's house." He replied. "But there are fine. And they've eaten. They are with dad at home."

"Okay then. So how is everything at home?"

"Everything is good. What about you? How is that place? Is the rich man taking care of you? Hope he hasn't changed how he treats you?"

"It's different here. I can eat anything I want. I don't have to do anything. There is a big house, free Wi-Fi, and I can wear beautiful clothes even without going anywhere. So if you call that enjoyment. Yes, I am enjoying it. But this place is boring. I miss home." She said truthfully.

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