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𝟷𝟸:𝟸𝟼 𝙿𝙼

The day of Samir's funeral had came earlier than expected. The church was filled with people, way more people than Syira expected. But then again, her brother was a popular person. Almost the whole school showed out. The dress code was white and red, Samir's favorite colors. Syira wore a custom-made button up white shirt that had a picture of Samir in the back. She also had a pin with his face on it, so did everyone else since she ordered a bunch for people to keep.

Syira sat in the front of the church in between Joel and Tristan as Sekani sat on her lap. With Sekani being so young, they didn't know how to explain Samir's passing to him. They didn't even let Sekani see his brother laying in a casket because of how scary that might've been for him. But deep down Sekani knew something was wrong and his brother was gone.

The pianist played the piano on a low tune as the principal of their school spoke. People were giving tributes and Principal Parker wanted to give hers, considering the fact that her and Samir grew close from him always getting in trouble and getting sent to her office.

A lot of people gave tributes. Syira didn't want to call it fake love but she found it crazy how everyone was claiming her brother right after he passed as if they would check up on him before. Being in the same school as him really made her realize that he was a popular loner. Everyone knew him but he mainly stayed to himself.

The principal finished up her tribute and passed the mic back to Syira's aunt, Diana, who was a big help for this funeral.

"Thank you for that," Diana said into the mic, giving the principal a warm smile. "Does anybody else want to give a tribute before we move onto the family?"

Syira looked around the room. She was honestly enjoying the tributes. Most of them made her smile or laugh. It was her favorite part of the whole funeral considering all she had been doing was crying.

To her surprise, Tink stood to her feet and walked up the stairs and onto the stage. Syira wasn't expecting Tink to say anything, well she thought she would've told her beforehand. She watched as her aunt handed the microphone to Tink.

Tink smiled at her before looking around the church that was filled with people. It was so packed, some people even had to stand because they ran out of seats. It was honestly making her nervous and she never got nervous.

"Hey everyone. Um.. I'm Taliyah, also known as Tink," She introduced herself while awkwardly rocking side to side. "I'm a friend of Syira and I was also a friend of Samir. Sometimes even more than friends."

"I'm not gonna stand up here and act like me and Samir were the best of friends because our relationship was definitely on and off but I loved him. I never admitted it but I loved him.. a lot," She expressed. "And um. Sometimes I jus—" Her voice cracked and she instantly covered her face with one of her hands, not wanting to cry in front of everyone.

"Take your time baby!" Miss Nakita yelled from in the crowd.

Syira felt herself getting emotional just by seeing Tink crying, something she hadn't done since the day they got the news. Tink was so busy trying to make her friend feel better, she pushed her feelings to the side. But she was grieving too. Syira felt bad that she didn't notice it.

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