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𝟷:𝟷𝟻 𝙿𝙼

Samir opened his eyes slowly but quickly closed them back shut due to the bright light reflecting onto him.

He looked around and noticed he was in an empty room. The only thing that could be seen was the plain brown walls and the only thing that could be heard was rats squeaking. It made him cringe.

"Where the fuck am I—" He stopped as his memory started to come back, along with an headache.

The day prior, he came to Taedo's house to tell him he didn't want to sell for him anymore. Taedo was a drug dealer that Samir and Jamiel sold for. But the night the two boys were supposed to go skating, they got caught up in things and almost lost their life.

That was their last straw with Taedo. Their first one was Taedo not giving them the money he said he would, the second one was the fact that nobody sold for Taedo because of how unloyal he was. Them almost getting shot was the last.

But when Samir came to tell him he was done, Taedo didn't want to accept it so he pistol whipped him and made him sleep in his basement to "rethink his decisions."

Samir wasn't going to change his mind. He was just thinking about how he was going to get out of this house alive, he didn't have his gun since Taedo took it. It was his anyway.

Samir stood to his feet and his body immediately started to ache. He was sleeping on the cold and hard floor so that each part of his body was in pain. He stretched before walking to the door.

He pulled the handle and surprisingly it opened. He expected it to be locked. He walked up the stairs and heard one voice and one voice only, Taedo's.

Once he got to the top of the stairs, he looked around and spotted Taedo on the couch with his feet propped up on the table cracking up at something on his phone. Samir cleared his throat making him look up.

"Oh you up, finally. Thought I pistol whipped yo ass in a coma," Taedo chuckled looking at the younger boy who was staring at him with a disgusted look.

"Ion know what point you was tryna get across with that shit cause I'm still not working for yo ass no more," Samir scoffed.

Taedo's face hardened looking him up and down before he stood to his feet. "You ain't think good enough did you?"

"Nigga I'm not tryna be in the streets my whole life like yo ass! You pushing 30 bro go find a job, this shit ain't doin nun for you!" Samir raised his voice.

Taedo stepped closer to him, Samir was taller but Taedo had more body weight on him. Samir was just tall and skinny while Taedo was a decent height and buff.

"Say it again?" Taedo held his hand up to his ear.

Before Samir could say anything, there was hard knocking heard making the two divert their attention to the front door.

"Sit down and don't say shit," Taedo ordered. Samir stood there not moving an inch until Taedo pulled his shirt up showcasing the gun that was tucked in his pants.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐒Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora