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Rubbing my eyes, I sat up as I heard noises from around me. I spotted Tink sleeping on the ground next to my bed with a whole bunch of blankets and pillows while Sekani sat next to her playing with his cars.

"Kani," I called out making him look up.

"SySy!" He smiled immediately running up to me. He reached his arms up for me to pick him up and I did exactly that, placing him next to me on the bed. "I play cars with Tinka!"

"Tink sleeping Kani, you playin cars by yourself," I laughed at him as he stared at me confused.

"No.. no. Tinka was up but fell sleep," He told me and I nodded slowly.

"Okay well cmon let's leave her to sleep," I said and he nodded before he started playing with his cars on my bed.

I invited Tink over last night because she seemed to be the only person who brought me peace at the time. I told her about everything that was happening with me while she told me everything that was happening with her and we just reflected on everything.

It felt good talking to Tink about it, it always does. She never takes sides, she tries to see the benefit of the doubt from both sides and she gives good advice.

I glanced down at her again and she was knocked out, mouth open, snoring and all. I told her she could sleep on the bed with me and Sekani but I'm guessing she moved when I fell asleep, Sekani is a wild sleeper anyway.

"I'm gonna go take a shower okay Sekani?" I said and he nodded without looking at me. "You want me to put the TV on?"

"Yes, Mickey Mouse please.."

"Okay," I got up off my bed and grabbed my remote that was next to Tink. I turned the TV on and went to Disney Plus to put on Mickey Mouse for him.

Once it was on, I lowered the volume a bit since Tink was still asleep and headed into my bathroom that was connected to my room. I didn't even bother checking my phone to see if anyone texted me because I doubted it.

I hadn't talked to Tristan since the last time I saw him, he didn't text me and I didn't text him. I wasn't necessarily mad anymore, I was just bothered. I don't know what to think and what to believe. I want to believe him but I don't know.

Starting the shower, I started to undress so I could get in and still be deep in thought about everything...


I walked out of my bathroom fully dressed; I wore one of my black jumpsuits with a white and black varsity jacket. I smiled seeing Tink laying on the bed next to Sekani as they played with his cars.

"Y'all cute," I said, making it known that I was in the room. They both looked at me and Tink laughed.

"Your brother has a crush on me, he kissed me on the cheek when I woke up and was like good mowning Tinka," She mocked him and I bursted out laughing.

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