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𝟹:𝟶𝟶 𝙿𝙼

Walking into the nursing home, I took off my hoodie and hung it up in the closet before straightening out my uniform.

Brielle held her word and helped me get a job at this nursing home. They paid $24 an hour. That was just the starting pay. I had already did my training so this was my first day on my own and I couldn't lie and say I wasn't nervous.

I wanted to be a nurse, that's what I planned on going to college for after college but I never really experienced working with old people until now. I was hoping everything would go well.

I clocked in before heading into the kitchen. My job was to help the chef cook, give the elderly their food, and clean up after them.

My mom knew about my new job and she was definitely upset but she had to deal with it. I'm growing up and I'm about to be out of her house, she needs to understand that I won't be around forever to take care of her son.

"Good morning Syira," I heard as I walked in the kitchen. I looked at the morning chef and gave her a smile.

"Good morning Amina," I replied. Amina was in her 30s and had been working here for about a year now. From what she told me, it was enjoyable working here and everyone was pretty nice. I was hoping her judgement was right.

"I already have some plates made, you can go ahead and give it to the people who are already sitting at the dining room table," She told me and I nodded.

I grabbed the big tray and placed the plates on it before heading into the dining room where there was about 5 white ladies sitting. As soon as I walked in, they stopped speaking and gave me looks.

I couldn't tell if the looks were good or bad so I just gave them a friendly smile as I set the plates in front of them. "Good morning," I politely said.

They didn't reply. Instead, one said "Did you make this food?"

I tried to hide the confused expression on my face as I was taken aback from the question and her tone of voice. "No, Amina made this food. I'm just the server."

"Oh alright good," The lady said still staring deep in my soul. As I gave her a plate, she grabbed it before caressing my skin with her other hand. I smoothly moved away trying to be as respectful as possible but I was confused on why she was touching me.

"My great grandmother always told me stories about your kind. She said to always watch out for the ones with skin like charcoal." My eyes widened hearing that.

"Oh Betty, my mother told me the same thing..." Another lady started to talk but at this point I zoned out.

I took a deep breath as I tried to keep my composure but I felt myself about to explode. Charcoal? Who compares skin to charcoal?

I quickly took the tray back to the kitchen before telling Amina I had to use the bathroom. I ran into the nearest bathroom and quickly slammed the door shut and that's when my tears started to fall.

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