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𝟷𝟸:𝟷𝟸 𝙿𝙼


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"Samir!" I yelled seeing Samir standing in the lunch line. I cut a few people and went to stand by him. He was looking down at his phone, obviously distracted so I tapped on his shoulder.

He looked up at me and pulled an AirPod out. "Wassup?" He said. He didn't sound nor look like himself.

"Are you okay?" I asked first though it wasn't him I came to ask about.

"Yeah I'm good.." He nodded.

"Okay well, where's Syira? I haven't heard from her since she left my house and now she's not at school. Is she okay?" I asked and he sighed heavily while rubbing his head.

"Yeah I been meaning to talk to you about her actually.." He said and I frowned, waiting for him to continue.

"Let me get lunch first, meet me in the east hallway.." He told me and I nodded before walking off.

I wasn't going to get lunch today. It didn't look good plus I didn't have the appetite.

After Syira left my house, she didn't call me. I figured she fell asleep or something so I decided to call her the next morning. She still didn't answer. I figured she was at work at something but now she wasn't at school and I started to feel suspicious about things.

I got to the East Wing hallway and sat down. Only a few people were here. This was where people came when they didn't want to eat lunch in the lunchroom.

I occupied myself on my phone until Samir came and he eventually did after about 10 minutes. He sat next to me and started to eat as I just stared at him.

"Okay are you gonna tell me wassup orrr?" I trailed off.

"Holdon Taliyah, I'm fucking hungry.." He snapped and I got quiet.

There was an awkward silence as he ate and I sat there playing Candy Crush on my phone. After about 5 minutes he stood up to go throw his tray away.

He came back and I felt him staring at me so I looked up.

"Syira and my mom fought and my mom kicked her out.." He said and I scrunched my face up.

"Like fought? Fought fought? Physically?" I asked and he nodded. "They fought?" I asked again.

"Yes Tink, they fought. Hands were thrown. My mom started it I'm pretty sure," He told me and I couldn't believe it. I never heard of somebody fighting their mom.

"She got kicked out? Where is she now?" I asked.

"She been staying at a hotel. She won't tell me which one. She's scared, she's scared of my mom now Tink and me and Syira not that close but I feel so fucking bad and I feel fucking useless.." He vented and I heard his voice crack.

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